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I'm 98% sure someone posted an interview with Cahill a while back in which he said he didn't own a Veyron.
Saw this little beast this evening

The widescreen is'nt that large is it? Well height ways anyway :p

I would be scared to park it into a bay nose first, incase I would hit the front end on a kerb, would'nt be able to see over the bonnet :p
Aye, that is a 997 Turbo. Its what Mr Spie has but hes is a goergous shade of blue. Much better than a black or silver imo.
In the last week of commuting I've seen about 10 Aston Martins, 4 Bentleys, countless Porsches, 2 Audi R8s, and a Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale.

Sadly I wasn't able to take a photo of any of them, epic fail. :(
Bah, you should have got a shot of the 360 CS :D

Did you hear the superb noise from it? I just love the sound track what it makes.
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