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I saw a beauty today but was driving so I couldn't snap it. But inagine if you will an Escort Van on silly big alloys with, wait for it, a Supra spoiler on the back :D It must have been 9feet tall!!
Lead_Head said:

Pug or Saxo?

I don't normally say this sort of thing.... but that looks ace!
just to confirm will gill thats either a maybach 57 or 62, probably the most expensive car here :)

i have got a few pics but i will upload when ive got more :D
looked audi esque to me, but i am normally totally wrong, just because of the wheels i think it looks audi, ohh dear

<waits to be corrected>
Another DeLorean, spotted in Stockton high street


Fiesta with Viper Stripes (is it an ST?)


Batmobile for the win :D

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