Post Your Daily Encounter Pics Here

Guy across the road from me has just purchased an evo 10. Pics soon.



Will try to get some better pictures later but for now i cant be bothered leaving the house.
le Mont St Michel early on last Saturday afternoon...


You go for years without seeing a single DeLorean then you see 12 of em!! :cool:
(Plus for the eagle eye'd theres a 'Firebird' tucked in behind No. 4 and 5!!)
^^ I think he/she took a wrong turning on the track :D .

Saw a rather nice black m6 at the gym today, upon closer inspection a noticed it had pink barbie window blinds in the rears, I struggled back to my focus and cried....
Just saw the chavved up Rover on the last page, we went past another the other day on the A38 with go-faster stripes just outside Derby:


Driver spotted my mate taking pictures of it, and me laughing at it as we went past him in my "normal" Rover 200 :p
The pics were taken on the M6 near to Birmingham if that's any help in guessing at what circuit it may have came from?.

Only one i can think of down that way is Oulton Park, but thats off Junctin 18 of the M6, much higher up than birmingham. Unless it was off to the dealers for a service and was comming back ?
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