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Didn't have time to get a picture, to busy pointing and laughing but saw an Audi R8 stall outside one of these big storage places in Reading today. Quite amusing :o.
Some cars i seen in Skeggy the other day, Sorry about the camera :(.

A skyline of some sort on the way home with b11 hks as the plate. Sounded really nice too.

Am off to skeggy tonight, i will keep a look out for some decent cars... and if you see a white 190e merc with black tints... its me :p
An Avensis in Hatfield Tesco.

I also saw a Monaro and a Jag XF on my travels today :cool:

I'm sorry but what the hell has happened to it? lol
Saw a convertable Corsa on the A38 today, didn't look right though. Think it was a Corsa B (96-97 ish), do they even exist or had they made it themselves, Renault Espace Top Gear style?

It’s been wrapped with that plastic stuff that you use to wrap around pallets, like Clingfilm :p

Shrink wrap.

Didn't have time to get a picture, to busy pointing and laughing but saw an Audi R8 stall outside one of these big storage places in Reading today. Quite amusing :o.

How would you have captured that?
Saw a convertable Corsa on the A38 today, didn't look right though. Think it was a Corsa B (96-97 ish), do they even exist or had they made it themselves, Renault Espace Top Gear style?

They did exist, there was something like 12 in the UK if the information I found was correct. I saw one in Australia and questioned whether it was genuine :p



Parked out side the back of my work. Had the guy who owned it eating in the restaurant, first time I've seen it parked up, usually see it driving around, that and another 2 around my small town heh.

Parked out side the back of my work. Had the guy who owned it eating in the restaurant, first time I've seen it parked up, usually see it driving around, that and another 2 around my small town heh.

No front numberplate? nuts... well... i guess it wouldn't be behind you for that long.. lol :P


Quick story. Too many cars for the wagon to reverse or move forward without making contact. So the driver decided to try and go over the grass, which, was very soft and it sank almost immediately. this photo i took when we arrived in the Gritter. We tried pulling it out forward, it just sank more, all the way down to the axle and the diff began to sink aswell. Managed to pull it out from behind in reverese. The amount of smoke from the immense 4 wheel axle wheel spins were pretty cool lol.
Parked out side the back of my work. Had the guy who owned it eating in the restaurant, first time I've seen it parked up, usually see it driving around, that and another 2 around my small town heh.

Hia mate, do you work in the new Gallery restaurant or the left bank? I’ve got some pics of that :) I work in the computer shop next door if so ;)
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