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It's in Shenfield, and they do a very good job.

£6 to have the outside done or £12 for inside and out. They ask you if it's good enough at the end.

And as you can see there they get you to drive slowly to check for dirt inside the alloy spokes when the wash is done and remove any drip marks :)

Go up the Shenfield highstreet (so the station is on your left) right at the mini roundabout then turn left alongside that car stealers and you'll see the signpost :)

Cheers! I think I know where you mean. I clean it myself, but occasionally I get lazy. :o
Was in London on tuesday and spotted these two:


No idea what this is other than it's some porsche. I thought one of you lot might be able to identify it:


Also saw the most db9's I had ever seen in my life (about 10 of them in the space of an hour) and a bugatti veyron in a bentley (:confused:) show room.
See this beast every day, guy left his lights on all day! They werent on when i went back though :p

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