Post your dock

Dock on the left/right should be the default on Macs using a widescreen display, since vertical real estate is a lot more constrained.

I have it on the right and hidden because it's a waste of space :p
Dock on the left/right should be the default on Macs using a widescreen display, since vertical real estate is a lot more constrained.
I have it on the right and hidden because it's a waste of space :p
Agree. My screens wider than higher, it's the obvious choice.

Mines on left, as I have desktop items on the R/H edge.
ok so here is mine well domo is firefox and the other monsters are adobe master collection o and eve is quicksilver i got board one day lol :D

What application is represented by the Postage Stamp icon I see in multiple people's Dock?

(I could not be bothered to shut down my VM to take screenshot so that is the black icon on the far right for the open application, everything else is is my Dock.)


I've changed my dock back to the 3D one and it looks like this now (note, this is not directly after a restart). I'm using the 'float' dock from here.

Every one here seems to have opted for 2D/3D horizontal docks

I prefer a 2D vertical dock. Anyone else, if not, why?!

I prefer the 2d vertical dock, on a 13" widescreen MacBook it just makes more sense to leave more vertical screen space. The one thing I can't really get on with though is having it hidden, I need to see it all the time.

Have to say though that some of these 3d docks do look very nice :)
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