Post Your Garden!

New house with nothing done as of yet to anything so all these pictures are as they come.

Sorry for the dodgy quality in some of them, I was being told off for messing around rather than helping with dinner :D

From the Spare Bedroom

Small Patio outside Living room doors

From Patio

From bushes half way up Garden

Behind shed (Intending to have a compost heap here)

Looking back up garden from Shed

And half way down garden looking back at house

As you can see its a fairly large garden with loads of potential. Unfortunately won't be doing anything to it this year so lets see what we can do next year :)
lovely looking interesting shapes.

If you do anything this year get a couple of climbers in the ground, they take years to establish so start asap
Done a tiny bit more...

Fixed loads of dead grass patches.
Painted and add the bench.
New Rose bushes down the left.
Cleaned the horrid slabs.
Took down a bit of the old fence attached to the shed (see early posts).


Herb box made by my step dad.
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Anyone any good recommendations on patio cleaning products that will keep it clean for more than 1 winter?

I used Jayes fluid recently on mine, came up a treat but doubt it's going to keep it clean for more than a season. Saying that it took less than an hour which included getting the stuff out, waiting 20 minutes and putting everything away.

Pressure washing is fine but this is far less mess IMO but I would suggest wearing rubber gloves as my hands stank for days afterwards but well worth it for the results!
Thanks will give that a go. The power washer worked well, but done a bit of damage to any slight cracks in the grout (which are now much bigger chunks missing)
Thanks :) The garden was one of things that attracted us to the house, Lots of potential and will be a great garden for Kids and growing Veggies :)
Having no privacy from neighbours and anyone being able to walk into your garden? Not sure how that could be better.

I thought the first photo was looking back at his house and the second his boundary was the garage.
I thought the fencing looks like it's made the garden much smaller

Much better now :)
Did a fair bit on the garden over the weekend - this gardening malarkey is not cheap, a few plants - £150.00 :o

So, first job, build a planter (6*4) and fill with flowers, not an ideal location, but I plan on building a few of them. Not got a clear idea yet what I want to achieve with the back garden.


grass is finally catching, after a regular cut each week.


Lawn edging added, and a bunch of new plants. Next job is to add another border the other side of the grass.
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Trellis up and garden table out and began the oiling. 10 chairs :/ pls end.


Gives a better perspective of the shape of my garden. Bulbs have all been and gone.

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