Post Your Garden!


7 years in the making and still going. :D
Big upgrade to the chill-out corner a Jacuzzi J-355, replaces my old Spa which is 12 years old and still going strong.
Painted Fabsil waterproofer to Parazol, Daybed and all Cushions, purchased 4 Wooden Lanterns, just got to sand down decking to get marks off from where to old Spa had been. Bring on Summer!

A few from today:
(excuse the washing)



We've been here 2 years, and haven't really done anything with the garden other than mowing the lawn. I believe the whole thing was designed professionally, and installed at fairly considerable expense, but that was ~10 years ago.

There are 3 apple trees (one cooker, one some sort of green eating apple, the other a red eating apple), 2 plum trees, 1 greengage, 1 cherry, and 2 useless (possibly diseased) pear trees. Would like to get set up for cider making for next year. Need a press.

There's a large rosebed on the right (left, behind the trees, in 2nd pic), which is very overgrown and we plan to remove to lawn, and the "compost area" at the end (around 10m square beyond the fence at the end) is completely overgrown and piled up with grass cuttings;

We'll probably make a proper start on it all when the children are a little older (4 & 1 currently), since spare time, and cash, is very limited. Might tackle the compost area this autumn/winter.
Work in progress!, moved into a new build last year and have only really gotten started with the garden.

Essentially the home builders leave you with a football sized pitch of clay and building rubble so it's not been a particularity pleasant job so far.



Current stage



Plan is to continue the wall around the corner building a planter into it, of course continuing the slate covers. I have sandstone coping stones to go on. Then the bottom which I have gravelled I will be building a grey composite decking area, and the other side a sandstone patio.
Obviously I will be turfing the middle tier and putting bark chippings down at the back between the trees.

Trying to keep it as simple and as low maintenance as possible.

God gardens are hard work, never again!
My little garden, best it looked all summer

Looking back towards the house

Out over the garden

Left hand side flower bed

The statue close up

I've 100s more photos but I'll stop there ;)
It's 70ft, needed to have a decent garden as i'm used to 1.2 acres at my parents home. I have no idea what tree it is. When I get the keys Friday I'm brining my husqvarna chainsaw and chopping it up for firewood. The lower branch on the right is pretty much rotten through. Also will hack back the bramble on the right of the photo as that's in front of the patio door.
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Some fantastic gardens in here. So happy I'll be able to post some pictures up soon once we move out of our flat and into a house.
Well on moving day got stuck and and cut the tree down. Had top lop quite a lot from the top as it was touching the phone wire and also took back the brambles by the patio door and dining room window so we get some light.
The 10ft of brambles at the back can wait until the house is sorted now.

there is some really nice gardens in this thread lol, mine was a mess when i got the house so i dug everything out and back to mud.. tbh my garage needs pulling down because thats an eyesore aswel but thats another job lol



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^Looks nice all cleaned up.

Builders in the house so we've done some more to the garden. 12m of brambles taken back and the connifer stumps have now been dug out. Photo from last week.

Well here's my little contribution to the thread.

We purchased a house a couple of years ago, and sadly the previous owners (although fit and well, in their 40's) hadn't done anything more than cut their grass over the 10 years of more they lived there.

When we arrived we where faced with massively overgrown conifer hedges, and very anti social conifer trees that we removed all together. There was an area of land that had been totally left wild over the years, which we had to remove, leaving really bad soil.

The grass has so much moss it was unbelievable, the lawn was also in terrible condition from the clay soil, the unevenness and lack of any care over the years.

The plan was to remove all traces of all conifers, and then plant a fully native hedge. We'd loose a lot of privacy for the next 5-10 years, but out neighbours are great and it's just one of those things you have to do.

The lawn was in such a state, I decided to kill it all, get some soil and compost in and start afresh.





600 native hedge plants, 40 tonnes of soil and20 tonnes of compost later, (and more DOMS that you can imagine) we are now looking like this:


We now have 15 fruit trees, 8 in the nearest part of the photo and 7 new ones at the far end of the garden.

The nearest part is a couple weeks old wildflower meadow, so only grass growing thus far, but a few weeks or months there should be a lot more colour, I've also made a couple of strips of wildflowers road side where there was only bad grass last year.

Where we levelled the garden with compost the grass is a million times better than the old soil.

20 chickens are now doing their best to compost the whole garden, and as a 5-10 year project it should come along nicely.

I'll post some of the little garden and a new rear hedge once I get a minute.
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