Post Your Garden!

The size is the main reason for it though.

Start with a small new build garden. The turf is rubbish and laid on clay so waterlogs. Due to the physical size of the garden plus the height of fences most of this grass stays in shade and takes days to dry off, so it dies. Also most new build lawns are infested with leather jackets, so they'll finish it off!

Add a shed, usable patio and some flower beds/planters and there's not much grass left. Due to the previous issues, it's usually easier and cheaper to lay artificial and be done with it.
There's no room for hedges, trees, ponds or compost heaps.
Ok I’ve smoked the belt on the Cobra!!! Surprised I haven’t broken down before one of the machines lol. Mind it feels like I’ve bruised a rib been in complete agony since picking a fight with that bamboo!!.

For the back garden I just want a nice bit of grass and I plan to plant some Laurels around the boundary. I planted some Laurels out the front last year and they are such a lovely hedge!!

So the plan is grass and laurels this spring and autumn. A blank canvas with a nice frame and take it from there.

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TBH I haven’t really got a clue what I’m doing or what the end results will look like.

Got fed up with the weeds and moss and decided to take action before I plant some laurels.

Watched a few YouTube videos and purchased a scarifier. The plan was just to give the grass 2-3 runs over and overseed.

After scalping the grass I noticed there was more weeds than grass and I haven’t got a clue what type of grass it was.

So out came the herbicide to start fresh. Not sure I even used enough and I’ve been using the scarifiers more like a plough and bulled my way through the remaining grass/dying grass.

Have purchased some half decent grass seed(I think) that’s suitable for most situations or so I have read!

I probably should have started on the front lawns ah but **** it! I’m balls deep out the back now.
Decided to get rid of the remains of my several hundred year old pear tree that was blocking some of the view from the patio (about 20ft back)..


But mid way through I thought it a good idea to make something from it like a bird bath or whatnot..


Then Kitler decided she'd commandeer it as a guard tower to keep an eye on the Polish border, so that and beer stopped play..

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