Post Your Garden!

You always need more top soil :)
When I levelled the previous house back lawn, I thought 2 bulk bags would be enough. 5 later (all shifted down the side of the house in a barrow) and it was more or less level.
Slowly making progress with the garden. Koi pond is now built atleast!



We have more progress!

The hole on the right is indeed a koi pond. The bit behind it is actually another pond for aquatic plants which will overflow into the main pond, we haven't got round to fibreglassing this one yet. The filtration for the pond is in a brick shed on the far right of the garden all hidden away.
The hole on the left is going to be a swimming pool, the camera lens make this hole look much bigger than it actually is!
Ah righto. I previously kept Koi but decided this time that we'd have a wildlife pond, about 2' deep, and one for fish (but no Koi as they eat everything). So far we have attracted and reared plenty of frogs. We get a visit from (currently the female only) Grey Wagtail. These are on the Red list so we're dead chuffed at that one.
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