Post your hard drive benchmarks!


2x36GB Raptors WD SATA I 16MB Cache W.D. Raptors in RAID 0


2x500GB AAKS WD SATA II 16MB Cache drives in RAID 1 (<-with an external backup solution - I don't even know why have bought two of these and mirrored them. I might destroy the array and sell one)..

edit - could anybody confirm if this is roughly what I should be getting? I am using an Asus AM2 sct M2N-E motherboard, and using an onboard RAID controller.

That's very slow mate, have you got the write back cache enabled?

What strip size you using?
Sorry mate - There is another screenshot (in another thread) with the Intel Raid controller settings but I didn't tag it on to this picture, it's 128KB

What OS are you running? Im still unsure which strip size is best for a quicker starting up OS. I only use Vista Ultimate 64. It would be helpful to know how big most of the OS files actually are. I know XP uses quite small files, but Vista64 is much, much larger.

Have you tried using any lower strip sizes, or does the 128k strip give the best boost for loading OS and game files (like BF2 maps).

Im currently using a 32k strip.
I'm running the same as you: Vista Ultimate 64Bit although I'm having some trouble getting some programs to play along....I have a brand new ipod touch that will only work with a 32Bit OS, so it's sat on my desk collecting dust at the moment.......

I didn't think it would be worth while (for me) to go that small, I contemplated 64KB but as I'm going to be doing a bit of everything on my computer - Music production, some video editing, games, office, etc I decided to stick with the default 128KB

I have a funny feeling 128k probably wont give you much of a speed boost to be honest. I have tried 16k, 32k and 64k. Personally I found that 32k seems to be the balance for a speedier OS/Apps and large maps etc loading times.

From what I know 128k is really only for huge files only.
Unfortunately it might be a while before I need any more disks for main storage.

I managed to find some benchmarks on the net though:

8 x Seagate Barracuda ES 750GB in RAID 5, 128KB Stripe


2 x Seagate Cheetah 15K.5 in RAID 0, 4KB Stripe


I actually got a slightly faster average read speed (231.1MB/s) and slightly lower random access time (5.6ms) personally on the same setup but with 32KB Stripe. It could also be that he was using 300GB drives whereas I am using 73GB ones. I'm almost tempted at registering my version of HDTach to see if my write speeds are that high too.

That is very impressive to say the least!
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