The Quads definitely get a few points for the finish, but at their price point I've always rather liked them.The Falcons look lovely.
I had a pair of the Quad 11s for a while. Lovely looking, but left me rather underwhelmed.
The Falcons are much more laid back and easy to listen to. Was spinning a bit of jazz last night, Mammal Hands, Portico Quartet, then some electronic - Jon Hopkins Late Night Tales (my personal favourite of that series).
The bass initially felt a bit too much but I think that's because I was used to the Quads that roll off at 80hz, these go down to 32hz. Maybe they loosed up a bit in the few hours I was listening or I just got used to it, but it sounds much more balanced now, rather than standing out like it felt at first.
Next think I need to do is sort out a DAC/Tidal streamer. My TV is just running through optical into a 10quid amazon DAC (sadness, but I was in a hurry to get something hooked up when we moved in). All I need is something that'll take the optical from the TV, and run Tidal Connect and make use of the high-res playback from there. Any recommendations. I could run to a used Naim ND5 XS2, but it would need to pass the 'other half' test and not need an app in order to make sure it switches to the optical input to make the TV audio playback, or at the very least, default to it when turned on.