I mentioned my hifi several years back on this thread. However I realised looking back through, I never actually posted a picture of it. So here it is. Only thing missing is a Sky+ box, I need to order a new one as my old Sky box is knackered. Also it's a chance to show my lovely new Sony KDL32W4000 full 1080P lcd.
I will be moving into a different room and decorating in about a month, so I'm going to build a purpose built Home Cinema pc to go with this lot then. Right now I can use the HDMI out on my laptop to feed high def media into the lcd.
Also, I had to take a close up of my pride and joy (my heart is in high quality 2 channel after all), my Krell KAV 300i amplifier and original Exposure cd player. I bought the Krell second hand about 3.5 years ago now, it was about 8 years old then, so it's getting on a bit now, none the less, why mess with success? ...it blows the vast majority of amplification I have heard into the weeds quite frankly, this includes some pretty esoteric pre/power combos. My fathers Naim/JM labs setup does not sound so good in my humble opinion, then again, his JM Labs speakers are the issue I think, they are so bright, ear splittingly so in the higher frequencies I feel.
The speakers are the most 'budget' part of my setup no doubt, but the little Dynaudio Audience 42's are so good, particularly for £450. I bought those new about 5 years ago. I would like to upgrade them actually, maybe I'll take a look around sometime soon. I feel I'd like to add a little warmth and maybe a tad bit more 'emotion' to the sound I have. I mainly listen to heavy metal, rock and and blues, so the hard driving 'in your face' nature of my setup works well there, but sometimes, particularly with female voices and classical wood wind stuff and older blues tracks I feel a little more 'humanity' wouldn't go amiss. I was striving for a very detailed, transparent sound with great low down clout and a real attack and drive originally, which I still love, but maybe it can be a tad too much at times now though, I guess tastes change. Some guy suggested valves to me the other day
...I told him to go swivel on my Krell plated gauntlet though.
The other bits pictured are a Rotel RDV 1080 DVD player, and a cheap JVC Upscaling DVD player, which, upscaling to 1080i via HDMI I am loathed to admit really challenges the big old Rotel in image quality, although it gets well and truely routed in the sound quality department as you'ed expect. The speaker cable is Naim NAC A5, all the interconnects I have used are Chord, except the ones for the TV and Computer, which are both Vivanco, the cd player has a Soniclink S-Gold mains cable also. The speaker stands are Atacama Nexus 6, on granite slabs, without the slabs I get base boom from the little Dyns, although it was far worse with my old Audiolab 8000LX amp (original not the new stuff) as it struggled to control the base coming from the Dyns, these little speakers really do need some muscle to keep them in check in my experience.