Post Your Home Cine & HiFi Kit...

Yeah I need a new tv cos I think mine is a 23-24" crt, Also Im still in the stone age with my vcr/dvd combo, but I cannot make myself to bin it, cos it works perfectly fine. to the right side of the vcr, is my media player with all my films, tv shows/series on:D

How did you manage to blow up everything?

Cause it was old stuff, channels half degraded others dead etc. Was using half and half. Sub was a bit too big for it all anyway. Did sound great for the 2 and a half songs. Starting making an awful 'EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' noise after blowout. Decks were rubbish belts too. lol

Bennah - It was RS McColl, they were out at christmas time. Saw them other places too.
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Me liking this thread, especially the before and after pics.

A little O/T but could anyone state from experience how difficult it is to feed cabling to desired locations by:
Chasing out plaster
Lay cables
Re-plaster & sand

Or does using surface trunking produce an acceptable finish?
If you're re decorating anyway you might as well go the whole hog. I did in the room above, but chose to take of skirting and with only a small amount of chisling was able to then lay some 25mm plastic conduit into the space. I chose to chisle out the floor yo get the wires past the door way. If you're not doing the full decorate job then there's some pretty good surface mount conduit on the market, like the D shaped low profile stuff and the similar product that fits into corners.

Just remember technology moves on and so does the way we connect stuff. The only stuff I have plastered in is speaker cables.
Cheers I'll look into the skirting route as we're not planning on decorating any time soon. Perhaps lifting the carpet edges would also achieve where I need to locate cables to but I'm not confident it will re-lay well.
probably won't re-lay well, you may however be able to poke the wiring between the skirting and the carpet. All depends on how close to the floor your skirting is laid. Might sound odd but i've done this before using the handle of a spoon. (yes a spoon, why not a fork? think about it)
Thanks for the feedback guys. Have a guess what the most expensive thing in the room is...No you're wrong...

It's the curtains

When the quote came back for it I thought they'd got me mixed up with the local multiplex.

They are indeed 604s. A lot of people remark on the lack of a sub, but then when I take the grills of the 604s they can see why I don't need one.

I was watching hurt-locker last night and during the big explosions you can actually feel the push of air on your face as the speakers do their job.

The amp is a Yamaha RX-V 4600, about 5-6 years old now I guess but still going strong and nicely burned in.

The projector is a non HD screenplay 4805. again about 5-6 years old. I auditioned HD Projectors again about a year ago as I had a few quid saved up, but to be honest I couldn't see where my £2000 was going over what I have. Yes you could see a difference, but not 2Ks worth of difference.
G-Dubs I have............

Front 2x B&W 683 floor standers
Rear 2x B&W 684 floor standers
Center B&W HTM61
BK Monolith sub

Believe me when I say a descent sub makes all the difference.
Had this a while but only got round the posting.

Samsung LE37B651 LCD - Hooked up to the o2 router letting me play movies/music straight from my laptop over the network (playing via the ps3 at the minute as you can see!)
Onkyo HTX-22HD

Excuse the wires, I rent my apartment so can't really do much to hide them. Moving in 3weeks to another apartment and I will try hard to tidy them up I swear! :p

Can't wait to have my own place and do a neat job.
I have been upgrading and settling into my place, here is the lounge with new sofa, Amp (Pioneer LX-81), BD player (Pioneer LX91 Multi Region), B&W MT30s and Sonos:


Comfy new sofa:


Also got eyefinity going the other day:

Running MW2 eyefinity at 7680x1600


The mighty desktop:


and for the Mac fan boi's my mac shrine/corner:


The rest of the photos are
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