Living in a place called
Lancing, I have a couple of stories...
Once I walked past somebodies house on the pavement, and someone in the garden shouted "ARE YOU LOOKING IN MY GARDEN?" I said "No, I was just walking by" and he then said "Gooooooood..." in an incredibly creepy way... About 10 seconds later I hear something behind me so turn around, and he is chasing me with two rotties on leads. So I legged it!
Another time I was sitting at the bottom of the footbridge near my school at the time, having a conversation with my friend. Someone cycled past, caught a bit of our conversation which wasn't aimed at him at all (obviously), and he shouted the cliche "WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY MUM?" dropped his bike, and pulled a knife out. A big kitchen knife. Me and my friend legged it over the other side of the bridge, and he proceeded to pace about on the other side of the road, hurling abuse through the fence... We walked off.
Another time someone tried to mug me, armed only with a sharp flint... They wanted my phone... I being a silly 15 year old at the time, threw the phone past them, booted them in the nads, and then ran past them, picked up the phone, and legged it... If it were now, I would probably have just taken the sim out and handed it over. Not worth the risk!
There have been a couple of times when I have been "laired up" by drunk chavs, but it is all empty talk and it is quite easy to talk down a drunk chav and persuade him or her that you are a mate.
Someone once followed me almost back to my house late at night, I kept crossing the road to make sure he was following me, and he kept crossing the road too... He started to get a bit closer so I think I ran to some random house or something, I can't quite remember!
My friend once got threatened with rape near the local train station by some old guy and another younger guy. He strolled off and they didn't persue him.
I have heard tell of someone being attacked with a block of wood with nails sticking out of it before, apparently the guy was in an induced coma. That was years ago though, not sure of his fate...
My friend who lives on one of the dodgiest roads once witnessed people throwing bricks at a car as it drove past, breaking the windows, and then dragging out its occupants. Allegedly it was a rival "gang" or something.
There was a blood stain from a bad hit and run near the station for months because nobody could clean it out of the road properly...
A friend and I were walking down the road near where I used to live, he was a bit hyper, and shouted "HELLO!" at a Ford Ka as it drove past. The driver slammed on the brakes, performed an aggressive three point turn which almost saw him into a stone wall, and then accelerated at my friend who had to run up the road and hide behind a van.
Thankfully the most recent of these was about 3 years ago, and I have a car now so don't have the need to walk through the dodgier bits of town to get to the train station!