Post your past or recent Chav Stories...

Our first house in Leicester had previously been occupied by some right scumbags. They'd been going out of their way to get themselves evicted so that they could get put into council housing. When the landlord finally evicted them, they trashed the house. Dog poo everywhere, smashed all the bathroom fittings, etc. The landlord had to pretty much guy the place and start over. He tried to pursue them for the costs, but the council wouldn't give up where they'd stashed them.

The young lady next door had been their friend. She was given to playing music at absurd volumes, shouting at her kids, and bringing random men home and having very noisy sex at 3am on the other side of the wall. One time she brought 4 men back and they all had a go in the back yard.

The scumbags who'd got evicted had about £600 of unpaid electric bills. We kept getting chased by the energy company, who wouldn't believe we weren't the old tenants. It didn't help that we couldn't give a forwarding address. The energy company eventually broke into our house through the back door, having attempted to drill the lock on the front door and rendered the door unopenable, and replaced the meter with a prepay one that took £5 for every £15 of credit you put on it and cost a fortune. They eventually replaced it after we got the ombudsman involved, then made a big fuss when they asked for our meter readings and couldn't understand why the meter readings (on the new meter) were lower than the ones on the old one that they'd ripped out. Tangent, but hey ho...

When it got to Christmas, we got invited to the gangbanging girl next door's house for drinks, and figured it would only be polite to go round. The scumbag ex-tenants were there, which was awkward. Someone had a two year old girl and was letting her drink a WKD. Someone called her on it and she said that was nothing - she pinches her vodka at home. We left after about half an hour.

I was glad when we moved out of there.
Goodness. Grief. :eek:

What chance do kids have with parents like that. :(

PS: was gangbang girl hot or hanging? :D
Charming journey on the tram home last night with a chav couple sniffing coke, drinking a Diet Coke they announced had been lifted from Greggs and comparing shoplifting notes. The bloke was moaning about losing his licence when the police caught him in a stolen car full of class As on his way to Creamfields and having to get his nan to pick him up from Runcorn after getting bailed.

Ahh, those poor innocent white men... don't you feel sorry for them? :D

We had some lovely neighbours that used to kick their young daughter out on the street while they had domestics at full bore in the house. The police were called multiple times before they were finally moved out.

I genuinely didn't think people this bad existed.

Sadly they do, and in droves!

Is that last sentence a euphemism? :o

You're kidding... right? Bless your wee cotton socks.
Hey guys its been a while but I think there must have been some chav stories happening to many of you in the recent months! Care to share and give us all a laugh/cry? :)
I got loads but will start off with a mild one.

Was at southend seafront years ago when the car scene was still alive.See some birds going back to their car and the one on the passenger side opens the door squats behind it and starts ******* on the pavement in front of 30+ people.
LOL... would that happen in any Western country except the UK? :D

Saw this remerge and though of today's Daily Echo headline for South Hampshire

Stay classy Southampton
Amazing... moped + cricket bat + randomly attacking cars... that is a 0% fear of the police. :eek:

There's a chav story a day here in Plymuff.
Unfortunately it's in the genes. My brother is very chav like. I fight it like a disease :p. Thankfully I had plenty of anti-chav genes too :)

Watch out for the Uber chavs

I can tell you that working in a Plymouth wearing a pinstripe suit receives some interesting looks from the locals. I had to ditch the suit :). "Oh, are you a posh ****?"

Eek... have you met loads of your brothers Chav friends too? I guess being his brother you have some protection at least. :p
We live in the middle of one of the roughest council estates in Portsmouth, 30 metres from the good local school.

My son once got called a "faggot" for having an ironed PE kit and separately a "bender" for having polished shoes. The headmaster and his husband who runs the SEND unit had a few assemblies over that.

My wife once made the mistake of talking about EastEnders with one of the "fanny like a clown car" types, waiting for sprog No. 7 to come out of class - "Oh, so it's not enough that you're posh enough to have a TV licence, you have to spoil it for the rest of us waiting for the omnibus". My wife was impressed that "omnibus" was in her vocabulary.

Whilst waiting to pay for a school trip on my card (I didn't have any change or envelopes to send it in), the receptionist accidentally charged me twice (about £8). Told her not to worry about it - if someone else's child didn't pay, they could use it for them (kids have had a couple of small, inexpensive trips cancelled due to non-payment from other parents, so we usually pay for a few extras). The looks I got as I left the reception area were comical.
Jesus, I can't imagine having to send my future theoretical son to a place like that (and I am not saying that as a criticism I just remember what bullying was like in UK schools)... does it affect his schooling? Send him to thai boxing for a while.
It's Friday guys woop woop... any more stories? :D

I live near a chavvy area in Burnley. It was being knocked down but they lost funding so thetevare still some about. You dont really get kids hanging around anymore thankfully but when the local pub closes I always here people shouting near my street when I am in bed. Wish they would hurry up and gentrify the area.

Im from burnley but dont sound anything like them. They barely speak English.

My parents have an apartment in Calvia. Near Magaluf. I was on a rented e bikevwhile driving through a German resort which is worse than magaluf fir german chavs wrnt to high five me so i recipricated. He punched my hand. It hurt for days. He was massive so i didnt stop.
LMAO... while it doesn't really have chavs, German definitely has some lairy guys!

He goes to jui jitsui, but is high-functioning autistic with hand-flapping tics, so he doesn't understand how to read people who are mocking him/being bullies.

It has been pretty amusing to see him finally twig, then send a 12 year old flying with a flawless Harai-Goshi...

His default setting is "be everyone's best friend", which often gets taken advantage of.

The school is very good with a strong respect ethic, but it has a separate Provisions unit that takes in kids excluded from all other schools in the city - it occasionally causes issues, having to deal with the parent(s)/carers who just don't seem to give a monkey's, but the unit's resources are available to the rest of the school.

It means if The Boy gets worked up or feels he's struggling, he can go to any of the unit's support workers and vent/sit out.

Being accepted into the Chelsea Football Academy (the after school club, not the actual, "Son's gonna buy me a mansion one day" Academy) has really boosted his self-esteem and he's starting to learn how to read people better, if only to understand where they're going to kick a ball next...

Ahh I see that's a shame as while in an ideal world being trusting would be fine, in his situation it will just get him into trouble and I can only imagine what he has to put up with if he has a hand tic (though I guess him not understanding everything is a bonus in this instance). Definitely keep sending him to self-defence/football classes as it will make a big difference long-term. :)
In our naivety we bought an ex council house just on the edge of an estate. For our budget this ticked all the boxes and would've been perfect had it not been the location (amateur mistake). We were pretty sick of the place as soon as we moved in. We were also rightly paranoid every time we left the house, as we would sometimes find our gates open and an obvious attempt to break in. The worst we had was a car written off because of an attempted jacking and our bin stolen, so we got off light in the 3 years we were there.

Thankfully selling the house was a breeze and we lost a couple of grand on it at the most (if we'd known it would be so easy we would've done it sooner).

The week we were moving out our neighbour in the attached house decided he was gonna make as many enemies on the estate as he could. We sat peering out the curtains of a dark bedroom watching this mans windows get bricked in and I've never been happier that we'd already signed the contract and were locked into selling the house. As we had both progressed in our careers since first buying the place we were able to move into a gorgeous little country cottage.

Not seeing litter everywhere, hearing kids shouting and swearing at each other across an estate, and fearing for our property every day has still not properly sank in and I find myself stood outside at night and appreciating the silence almost weekly.

Eek that sounds like a nightmare, England truly is a Wild West and even my dads previously sleepy village is now undergoing a crime wave with ****** and chavs causing chaos and driving around in vans trying to break into houses!
The small town where I work is getting like that. There are 2-3 groups of chavs which wonder around at night causing problems (usually vandalism). They have this fantasy where they are gangsters and have territory, but in reality they are a group of squeaky 12 year olds.

They need to ditch the "soft touch" policing and actually do something about it.
Yeah, I can sympathise and sadly the trouble in my dads village is caused by a few local youths, one of who has learning difficulties. The only language they understand is violence but sadly society and soft-as-shizzle policing policies have decided that "trying to reason with them" is the way forward. Needless to say, that has zero effect. It would be a such shame if some fed-up vigilantes decided to reduce their ability to walk and I would absolutely not condone such behaviour.
Last Saturday at the local shopping precinct some bloke rode up to me on a respectiful looking bicycle, he looked clean and was dressed smart casual, nice clean Nike trainers, smart jeans and blue jacket. All seemed normal.. but he was wearing a baseball cap and it was 9:20am and grey skies so I identify him as a chav, he puts on a suffering sad face and asked me for 70p so he can get a hot drink, I told him I don't have change I card everything and he replies everyone seems to these day and he rode off. I wondered if he was actually homeless then went and bought a giant pretzel in Lidl and went home.
I think I am immune to begging requests by now, I literally am not moved by anything as I literally do not trust any stranger that approaches me on the street asking for money.

I had a similar encounter last week. Only the guy looked like a drug addict. I went to the supermarket to use a coin sorting machine. And when I came out a guy approached me saying am I local? I said nope. He said my little brother was stabbed last night. I said that's awful and carried on walking.. He then said can I have £1.60? I replied no of course not! This really annoyed him, and he walked off shouting my brother's been stabbed and no one in this town will give me money. He tried the same story on another guy. Who also said no. And this caused him to jump up and down like a child having a tantrum.

I did almost say to him that if his story was true I'm sure a police family liason officer would drive him the hospital, and that he wouldn't have to be poncing money in a supermarket carpark. But these types don't really respond to sensible suggestions.
Jesus, if he ha to resort to saying "my little brother has been stabbed" then it shows people will say almost anything. :eek:

An Australian variant... aged guy hangs around in the aldi carpark every day asking for a gold coin from shoppers as they park or get into their car to leave. I mentioned this to a shopkeeper when I saw the same aged guy begging outside his shop. The shopkeeper knew the old guy's story - he makes a couple of hundred AUD a day from begging, and then blows it - gambling away all his days begging 'take' in the bookies that afternoon / evening. He's been at it for at least 10 years.
Yeah, beggars in my town are known for making good money. The only people I give any cash to are good street musicians.

Remember ChavScum?

It was a classic! :D
There's so many in my town, I have got used to brushing them off. Most will ask for spare change and not hassle or follow you. But occasionally you get the sob story.. My mother was approached in a restaurant carpark by a guy with a busted leg bleeding everywhere. He asked for money for a cab to get to the hospital. My mum gave him a couple of quid, and then when she got inside the place, the waitress told her she shouldn't have given him anything as he does that scam everyday! The bloke should be doing special effects for Casualty as my mum isn't normally conned so easily.
WTF so it was actually fake blood? :eek:

We have really aggressive beggars (smackheads, dustheads and alchies from the local Sally Ann) who sit around the cash machines at Sainsbury's trying to intimidate people into giving them money. More than once I've been threatened with a dirty needle because I told 'em to go. Sainsbury's security won't fo anything because every time they move them on they come back and smash windows on the shop, so it's costing them money. The police won't do anything because, and this is straight from the mouth of a local copper, once they do they then have a duty of care to look after these parasites and to keep them fed and watered only for them to be let out again in a few hours with no charges.

They also have a new tactic now too, if somebody falls for their act and does stop to give them cash then another one tries to lift whatever they can out of the person's shopping trolley.

It's got to a point now where a few of my Mother's friends feel too intimidated to go and do their shopping alone.

This one even has a ******* laptop/tablet.
The fact we even have stuff like this in a country is testament to generations of ineffective policing that have overt time caused the scum on our streets to lose all fear of police and the justice system and given them the freedom to develop new and inventive ways to target normal people. No pressure from the police will breed acceptance and we need a new authoritarian style of policing that will put fear back into the justice system for these scum.
So guys, it's been a while since there was any chav stories. Has lockdown made things in your areas better or worse with regards to chav activity? :)
Chavs have gotten far worse as of late gone from a regular group of 5 and now there is a much larger gang going around.
Bins all getting pinched set on fire.
Buses have had windows put in,drivers threatened.
Had road construction stopped due to some youths pulling a knife on a worker.
Houses windows smashed.
Shop smashed up.
Standing in the road stopping traffic.

Police are powerless,anti social orders have done bugger all to stem the tide of chav scum around my area.
Jesus, that is awful. My old mans village had a similar spree of crime and hooliganism and it was all organised by one lad who is now in prison after trying to purposefully run his girlfriend over. This spree lasted 2 years and made everyones life hell and probably cost hundreds of thousands in insurance claims.

The UK is way too soft on repeat antisocial behaviour and has been for many years.

Will have to mention The Kersal Massive, watch their rap video on Youtube :cool:
Dear lord what did I just watch... :eek:
As a younger lad i got involved with a few estate girls.. something about the tracksuits and big hoop earrings, gum chewing, being loud and proud, House/dubstep/Jungle music (i'm a rap and roots and dancehall reggae man) etc.. just checked a box for me. Hard work for me as i look like i just came over from Pakistan on a boat but as soon as i mentioned i'm Caribbean descent it softened a lot of them up (they assumed Jamaica but parents actually Guyanese lol).
For some reason this really made me laugh, picturing it. What were these chav queens like to date... any amusing insight into their daily life and attitudes? :D

I was in my car the other week waiting for my food when an urban pavement comber passed by the car, slowly hoovering up any fag ends she could find. She was moving really slowly and deliberately, having to concentrate really hard on what she was doing. As I watched on, reflecting on how tragic it was to see this, she.... pished herself. Just stood up and there it was, a massive damp patch thinning out as it worked it's way down the back of her legs. She just walked on slowly, listing to one side like something out of Shaun Of The Dead.

I won't lie, I couldn't really enjoy my meal to the max after seeing that. :(
Not even sure that qualifies as a chav story, that's just... sad. :(
In Russia, the police would bundle them into a van, beat them, and drop them off in the local forest miles from any major city.

You don't need a judge or custodial order for that.
Yes, the Russian judicial and political system is clearly a model for all other countries to follow. :p

To be fair, many other EU countries are tougher than the UK without being Russia... for example in Germany and Switzerland the police do not take any crap. The UK is an absolute soft touch by any standards and sadly anti-social behaviour is one of the most endemic I have seen in any first-world country.
My parents hometown did something similar. The downside was a brothel opened up next door too :D:D:D
And now every time you walk past with your gf they're like: "HiDis86"!
Sheffield, Woodhouse area, used to be nice until the current crop of wannabe gangsters sprung up.

Not helped with having a rehab for users and various offenderis stopping checks etc for goings on inside and out ,curfews etc.
Where did they spring from... did it come from nowhere or was it slowly increasing over time and then escalated?
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