Post your Ps3 Faqs here.

15 Mar 2005
I am everywhere...
Im hoping me, Jumpurs and Joebob would try to answer them as accurately as we can. This save us the need of posting multiple threads. :)
playstation 2 games, will i need a Ps2 memcard, or it a virtual memcard on HD thingy (what i've heard), so do i need to save to ps2 memcard or does it do it straight to HD
McManicMan said:
playstation 2 games, will i need a Ps2 memcard, or it a virtual memcard on HD thingy (what i've heard), so do i need to save to ps2 memcard or does it do it straight to HD

I belive you need a ps2 MC adaptor then you should be able to save on the HD. (iirc there is an option for it on the ps3 menu).
dannyjo22 said:
Will it support my wifes old singstar games and microphones?

I cant comment on that but a list peripherals that works and what dosent was posted by Jumpurs or Joebob in the Offcial Ps3 thread so traling through those might help. I think the games should work fine - it was one of the big selling games on ps2.

On a simialr note, my heatset from socom 3 for the ps3 works with the ps3.
McManicMan said:
playstation 2 games, will i need a Ps2 memcard, or it a virtual memcard on HD thingy (what i've heard), so do i need to save to ps2 memcard or does it do it straight to HD

You create a virtual card on the PS3's HDD, and it just acts like a physical card. If you're wanting to transfer existing saves across then I assume you'll need the adapter for that.
Will the PS3 Play divx/xvid that are stored on the hdd, can you store them directly on the hdd or will they need to be streamed from a external source?

Has the euro version been confirmed to play ps1/2 titles yet?

Will there be a joypad available with the rumble instead of the tilt feature?

Will it play normal SD dvd's/cd's or Blu Ray discs only? If it does play normal dvd's will it upscale them?

If I plug in a FAT32 USB2 external HDD with HD MPEG2 files, will the PS3 pick up the folder structure and allow you to navigate through the hierarchy to pick files or will it just present you with a big long list? Or do the files all need to be at the root of the drive?
Whats the whole situation regards the PSP and wifi.

can we:

a) Stream video/movies from the PS3 to the PSP?
b) Stream music also?
c) Play downloaded original PS games (emulation) Are these stored on the PS3 then also streamed to a PSP, or does the file have to be transferred onto a memory stick and inserted onto the PSP?
d) What music and video formats does the PS3 support, are LOSSLESS audio files supported?

would appreciate info
JBeck said:
Will the PS3 Play divx/xvid that are stored on the hdd, can you store them directly on the hdd or will they need to be streamed from a external source?

Has the euro version been confirmed to play ps1/2 titles yet?

Will there be a joypad available with the rumble instead of the tilt feature?

Will it play normal SD dvd's/cd's or Blu Ray discs only? If it does play normal dvd's will it upscale them?


DIVX etc is a no, unless you re-encode it to mp4. I think if you install linux you can though. It can be streamed from a USB drive/memory stick or copied to the HDD too.

Backward compat. is a yes, it's software emulation though, so check *** Sony site first.

Rumble pads are going to happen apparently, though not yet. Expect it in wheels too.

It'll play DVDs/CDs, and at the moment DOES NOT upscale them. My US machine plays them at normal DVD res and looks lovely though. There's going to be an update to upscale at some point though.
ic1male said:
If I plug in a FAT32 USB2 external HDD with HD MPEG2 files, will the PS3 pick up the folder structure and allow you to navigate through the hierarchy to pick files or will it just present you with a big long list? Or do the files all need to be at the root of the drive?

There's different views, so you can have it structured or showing a list AFAIK. I've only messed with this slightly though, so might be a bit off here.
JBeck said:
Will the PS3 Play divx/xvid that are stored on the hdd, can you store them directly on the hdd or will they need to be streamed from a external source?

Has the euro version been confirmed to play ps1/2 titles yet?

Will there be a joypad available with the rumble instead of the tilt feature?

Will it play normal SD dvd's/cd's or Blu Ray discs only? If it does play normal dvd's will it upscale them?


I belive it can be stored on the HDD and played directly.

There is a "major" firmware release that everyone is waiting for, just after the launch (about 100mb). It is suppose to bring about major improvement on the ps3 e.g being able to download and play, etc.

Immerson and sony are freinds again so potentially there might be one. One or two publisher have also hinted at games coming with a rumble feature built into the game (if you get what i mean)

It plays all. Im not sure about the upscaling though. :)
Mr Latte said:
Whats the whole situation regards the PSP and wifi.

can we:

a) Stream video/movies from the PS3 to the PSP?
b) Stream music also?
c) Play downloaded original PS games (emulation) Are these stored on the PS3 then also streamed to a PSP, or does the file have to be transferred onto a memory stick and inserted onto the PSP?
d) What music and video formats does the PS3 support, are LOSSLESS audio files supported?

would appreciate info

No idea, someone elses turn ! :D
Ol!ver said:
You create a virtual card on the PS3's HDD, and it just acts like a physical card. If you're wanting to transfer existing saves across then I assume you'll need the adapter for that.

cool, so i don't need a memcard then for direct saving but only to transfer from one machine to another, correct?
McManicMan said:
cool, so i don't need a memcard then for direct saving but only to transfer from one machine to another, correct?

Correct. I've been playing GoW without a memory card, saves it straight to a virtual one I made. It works just like a normal one as far as the PS2 software is concerned.
Mr Latte said:
c) Play downloaded original PS games (emulation) Are these stored on the PS3 then also streamed to a PSP, or does the file have to be transferred onto a memory stick and inserted onto the PSP?
d) What music and video formats does the PS3 support, are LOSSLESS audio files supported?

would appreciate info

Iirc, the game is downloaded directly on to the psp.
As for the music and video formats, i would have a look at the box once i get home. :)
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