Posting when trousered ... lol

OMG .... What have I gone and done?

I can't believe I'm awake after only about four and a half hours sleep and jeez .... I feel rough :o

I looked in the mirror this morning to find that I've had a full eye transplant! The eyes that was looking back at me from the mirror never had any white parts around the edges but instead resembled a road map of north west Wales :eek: Funnily enough my head is pounding but it's not from the amount of drink that I consumed ... it's from the bloody little brats outside that are buzzing up and down the street in a little electric jeep and screaming at the top of their voices :mad: Even the clacking of my keyboard seems loud :D

I'm off to make something to eat and then I'm getting back to my scratcher for another few hours.

As they say in Russia ....... Mosgow :D
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