Postman Prat Where’s Me Mail?

Theres a difference between being jealous and begruding someone getting a bonus off of my hard work you know. In my case they've proven that they'll take but not give back so I'll do anything I can to fubar their day.
You both work for the same company. If the other guy got a bonus, it was because his peers have deemed him worthy of one...

So, you are going to 'fubar' his day because of this due to the issue that you believe you carried out 'all the hard work' and he didn't?

How old are you? 8?
These days you have to fight for better working conditions / pay etc. If you don't make a stand then you will get walked over again and again.

Then again, if the service is just not up to a reasonable standard then you can expect big changes. Nothing stands still and the PO has to change to make the service more professional and more competitive. If they don't do that then people will go elsewhere.

Double edged sword.
These days you have to fight for better working conditions / pay etc. If you don't make a stand then you will get walked over again and again.

Then again, if the service is just not up to a reasonable standard then you can expect big changes. Nothing stands still and the PO has to change to make the service more professional and more competitive. If they don't do that then people will go elsewhere.

Double edged sword.

This is the point that grinds my gears. RM is a monopoly. We, as a consumer have no other choice for a daily delivery (at the price). Therefore I see RM as a public service which should maintain certain service levels.

Going out on strike is not going to help service levels and ultimately only effect the general public who have to rely on the service. It's the same for public transport, police, nurses, fire fighters etc - Some of these are not allowed to strike, yet posties are?...
Businesses provide services Jeff... I work in a service orientated business - In fact, there is very little that we provide that is not a service...

What makes it worse when RM go on strike is the fact that the people who are subjected to the fallout are the very ones that you depend on for support..

One shouldn't bite the hand that feeds...
Glasgow mail centre is on strike, i only had two parcels on my walk today .. going to be hell next week.
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I'll say it again: Royal Mail Group's operations in 2008 made a profit of circa £400 million, their own financial report available on says this. Cost-cutting simply puts more money in the pocket of middle management or board members. I don't recall anyone else offering to send a letter from here to the Scottish borders for 32 pence...and still managing make profit of £142,000 a day from letters and parcels alone.


When will people understand that people at the top will always make a lot of money. People at the bottom, no matter how much profit the company makes, their salary will not change dependant on the success of the business.

If you want to keep the best people in the job, they will want the pay. If they don't get the pay they go somewhere else. Their expertise are far harder to replace than a postman's. It's the harsh reality.

A top partner/director of a private company maybe earning however much (in my company it is £300,000 - £1,000,000) yet when the profits start falling they will start chopping staff just to maintain the business model they have set out. That's what happens. It may not be fair but it is true, and it will continue happening. Then when things pick up they will employ more staff, and also raise wages when and where possible.

Also how many staff members are there in the RM? If the pay increase was given to all the staff that the union suggests, how far will that £400million go? NOT far.

I think the Royal Mail is attempting to be private sector, when it has a public sector role, and hardlined public sector employees.
I'm sorry but work in the real private sector, you will soon find that far worse than you complained about is happening to employees contrywide.

If anything the job Postman's was too easy to start off with (and with a good pension to top it off) and when the tax payer was footing the bill that was fine. Now that they are trying to run an actual business, the company must be slimmed down.

Try working in a a private sector company where results must happen in order for you to get paid. People in my office pull all-nighters, work for weeks not leaving before 11pm or into the next morning. They do not get paid a penny extra, and yet the do not strike. What gives you the right?

Certain things are expected of you as an employee, the expectations in your industry have changed.
You think you deserve more money? There have been people accross the city slashing their wages, yet doing the same workload, just to keep their jobs! There are salary freezes accross the City, so even though you are worth more to the business you don't get paid for it, which is essentially a cut in wages.

WE do not get to strike you seem to be striking every month. The attitude of we deserve this, we deserve that doesn't exist in my industry.

You get no sypathy from someone who busts a gut a work everyday. I'd rather the RM got you all to sign new employment contracts, specifically stating the expetctations of you, making it clear, and then sack anyone who refused to do their contractual workload.

In this economic market it is just ridiculous, and it infuriates me, that people in certain industries still are asking for more money, acting as if they are hard done by. If they took a second to appreciate the climate they would see, unemployment levels are high, graduate can't get jobs and people are taking pay cuts....and you guys think it's fine to strike. Open your one sympathises.

I'm waiting for mail that was sent on Monday/Tuesday first class...all the things I bought are for an event tomorrow morning. They will be useless after that. Who do I get compensation from? I have been inconvenienced and am left out of pocket.

If you’re pulling all nighters unpaid to get the job done more fool you, what does your union say about it, are you even in one?
If you’re pulling all nighters unpaid to get the job done more fool you, what does your union say about it, are you even in one?

Welcome to the world called "the City"...

For a start the attitude isn't, I'm working too hard, quick run to the union! It's work hard, get the job done, and slowly you will (hopefully) get rewarded for it and end up at the top of the tree.
With all due respect rossyl you're moving in entirely different circles to us striking posties. I suspect you're taking home a lot more money that we do and if we had that kind of financial reward we wouldn't mind greasing up our back passages now and again for a good rogering. I'd guess that comparing our work situations is like comparing chalk and cheese.
The whole point of Unions is to stop what rossyl is experiencing (working hours you aren't paid for etc) Doing that is just downright idiotic. Working and not getting paid for it is going back in time to what is basically the Victorian era.

If you keep working for nothing on a regular basis then those above will start to expect it from you, and will start to question you when you can't do it one evening because of other commitments.

Unions are there to protect employees from such things, and if negotiations fail then apart from such things as "working to rule" then strikes are generally the only other option.
You're just in it for the bonuses sunshine. I work my hours thank you, thats been seen to by all of the extra sorting, lapsing of deliveries and extra work I've had added to my walk through pegasus.

Sad thing is, in my office the people like you are that busy trying to save hours here there and everywhere that since my job was added to they've not provided me with the new pouch box that I need to cope with the extra work and they still haven't updated the A Plus meaning that me and two other colleagues are still taking our extra work out of a fourth delivery frame, which is ridiculous after almost three months of asking.

The fact is is that you people are happy to hack and slash at deliveries but do it in such a half assed manner that it gets our backs up. We were told that lapsing (or flexing) would be done on the traffic but we all know that the figures are innacurate.

If you people had the backbone to say NO to those above you who are forcing through these ridiculous cuts then we wouldn't have anywhere near this amount of trouble. Still, you're alright with your £9000 bonuses.

£9000 bonus? I got £1000 and I earned every penny thankyou "sunbeam". It was only when I switched from Postman to Manager that I realised how good being a postman realy was. I have just put my section through a revision to remove 1 delivery and on the first day this was implemented I went out on patrol to see how my staff were coping, after searching in vain to find a single Postman on delivery I finally gave up and went back to the office at 1pm :p. Even through all these changes they are still finishing early and I dont know what the rules are were you live, but collapsing is not compulsary and is optional here.
I have recently travelled to London to cover the strikes there and they are definately about 10 years behind us in making the much needed changes and the general consensus where I live is that no way are we going to strike on behalf of those in London for something we implemented years ago, so good luck with that.
Optional? You're having a laugh. We do it six days a week. It seems like our office is a model office and we've put through everything that they've told us to, shame that we're not more like London to be fair because we've given and inch and they've taken a mile.

Believe me, I won 't be strikeing to protect those who are "years behind" what we've implemented. I'll be striking to stop them making more cuts in our office.
I have recently travelled to London to cover the strikes there and they are definately about 10 years behind us in making the much needed changes and the general consensus where I live is that no way are we going to strike on behalf of those in London for something we implemented years ago, so good luck with that.

These are my thoughts on it too. I'm a postie and won't be striking as I've been working to these changes for 6 months now. RM decides to implement the same changes for offices inside the M25 and all of a sudden we're summoned to the picket line to wave our placards about? No thanks.

I do think they need to review these changes they've rolled out though. It's getting a bit silly at some DOs. One I covered at last week has one round being absorbed between five others six days a week. If the posties go over their time delivering it then they won't get paid, so they're just cutting off instead. End result is lots of mail going undelivered.
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