Potential power outages this winter

I am able to keep my lights and electric heater\charge phone ECT if this happens.
So no worries for me.
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Also wouldn't people just max out their heating and power use up to the point of it turning off so everything charged house nice and hot so I'm not sure how much it would save. Would just possibly cause a large spike ? Unless they were random

Also how would they not turn off power for those that need power for medical devices ?

Cant see how it could be implemented
But you were a child and did nothing of importance then.

So you havent bothered to see why that might have happened and then ignore what is happening with gas now. Storage was the issue then. Now we still have a lack of storage and less gas.

No the worst case scenario is people voting the Tories in again.


National Grid describes the prospect of insufficient gas supplies as “unlikely” but says the winter is likely to be “challenging” and it needs to be prepared.


Fintan Slye, executive director of National Grid’s electricity system operator, which is in charge of balancing Britain’s electricity supplies, said he was “cautiously confident” there would be adequate supplies this winter.

Some people just love to panic...
Diesel might be cheaper by then, can just pile the family in the estate. Heating AND light for the small (large) cost of running the engine
They're damned if they do and damned if they don't.

"Worst case scenario we might see power cuts" - omg they're fear mongering.

"everything appears normal and OK"/say nothing *power cuts happen* - omg why didn't they warn us, they must have known
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