Potential power outages this winter

I've got medical equipment that I need electricity to power so I hope the timing of this blackout doesn't cause me medical problems.

I'm planning to buy a backup power source just in case.
Are you on the PSR. Priority Service Register?
If not get signed up.
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I meant more if the power goes off I cannot get heating or cook food
Get a small camping stove, don't cost much and always useful to have. If everwhere's sold out I can sell you a slightly used one for 300 quid. Gas extra.
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Just a matter of time before these candle inept kids set the place afire whilst buggering about trying to get a phone signal. Or their supremely powerful "military spec" torch gets the curtains smouldering :) Us oldies who are veterans of living like troglodytes through power cuts should be OK.

What became of the forum prepper who hid "supplies" all around his area? He was a perpetual student, from memory? He should be looking forward to testing things out if Mr. Putin gets out of bed on the wrong side.
Does this also mean our gas supplies will be cut off? If so, there goes my gas cooker as backup for boiling water. :(
Get your cowboy hat on!

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