Power/Weight Thread

aero gains where possible

During my club 10 (my first) I matched power for a similar weight rider but the lack of a speedsuit, TT helmet and refined positioning (plus experience I'm sure) put me 90s further back. Very much looking forward for September to roll around so I can watch my time fall :)
I have entered Dunfermline and Suie dude. Hopefully one of them will give me an entry! My climbing is nowhere near a patch on previous years but my power and strength is way ahead... so it's a matter of conditioning which is much easier to achieve when the founds are there. Have you entered Dunf/Suie?

I love that Dunfermline race but I'm off to Wolverhampton for Easter so I can't do either of them. Might not be too many entries with it being Easter Sunday, so hopefully you get a place. Just need to rack up a few points this year and it'll be much easier to get into races.

I'm doing the Sheriffston10 on 8th April so i'm going to dig out the TT bike for the first time this year tonight and have a go with that bike fit app. I'll update the Aero thread later.
I entered Elgin last night also :)
Going to Wolverhampton to celebrate Jesus moving a big rock and eating chocolate? :p
Which app you using? The Apple only one I can't remember the name of?
Going to Wolverhampton to celebrate Jesus
There's got to be some reason for it! Otherwise I'd be spending 8 hours each way driving a Ford Ka for nothing :(

Which app you using? The Apple only one I can't remember the name of?

Nope, it's this one - on android. I downloaded it when we were all sitting in the Harvester on the way home from TTT champs last year but havn't actually used it yet. (That may actually have been the last time I was on the TT bike?!)
There's got to be some reason for it! Otherwise I'd be spending 8 hours each way driving a Ford Ka for nothing :(
8 hours WTF?! I drove from Hereford to Inverness and it only took 6 hours. :o

Didn't go over 80mph on the motorway (or much below 70 lol). 1 tank of fuel & ~520 miles... How I miss that car! :(
Pffft! You wanna learn to draft! ;)

Learnt to drive in a Ka & drove one for 3 months while a crashed focus was being repaired. Think it was a 1.4 and I nailed it everywhere, including motorways! I drive a 1.6 fiesta now, it'll happily hit 80+mph on the motorway without breaking a sweat... :o
Username - touch
Age - 29
Height - 6ft
Weight - 78KG
FTP (60min) - 307w FTP W/KG - 3.93
Last Updated - 06/04/2017
5sec - 766w
1sec - 846w
Gear - Gamin Vector2
Info - Strava link. Club changang - not a proper FTP test.

I've added a date field to the template.
Last edited:
@xdcx when you next update details plz, I've had my birthday and I'm now 37! :p

Need to get some climbs done but equally when there's some bad weather get a 20 minute FTP test done. I'm should test over 300W. :cool:
In an effort to generally improve over the last few months of autumn... this is the before:

Username - hendrix
Age - 30
Height - 6ft
Weight - 73 KG
FTP (20 min) - 215w FTP W/KG - 2.95
Last Updated - 15/10/2017
5min - 255 W
1min - 337 W
5sec - 632 W
1sec - 619 W
Gear - Elite turbo muin B+
Info - Zwift FTP test (long) - https://www.strava.com/activities/1231659332/
Anyone with experience of Polarised Training? Plenty of reading material around on the topic and I'm umming & arring with the idea of getting a winter block in on the trainer vs the more traditional periodised approach.

I have an abundance of time and am equally comfortable with the requirements of either approach.
Nope but the concept is fairly close to what I've done before and will probably do this winter - lots of really easy/base riding (commuting), very little moderate riding with most turbo riding being concentrated high intensity racing. But I wouldn't say I'm that good at balancing things, it's just the evolution of how I've generally ridden while time crunched and unable to stick to any training plan.
^ a very loose analysis. Less generally speaking the principle is to stay below LT1 for 80% of your sessions (rather than total training time) with the remaining 20% being at Vo2 max (above LT2), tough but not balls-out anaerobic efforts. 4 x 8m at 108%~ delivers the best results supposedly vs similar total duration over different interval efforts. Uses a 3 zone approach, overlaid with the traditional 6 zones, it equates to Z2/Lower Z3 and Z5.

Trawling through a large thread on the TTF, picking through the bickering. Like most methodologies I think it has it's merits, largely for me it'll be to drop CTL during winter and recuperate a bit :)

I think specificity still comes into play ultimately but hope that periodising approaches throughout the season has some merit too.
Having a PWM is opening new windows in terms of data etc, really interesting stuff - the data soon exposes your weaknesses (and strengths) which is great for self improvement/focussed training. I'm starting to think about following a structured training programme Dec to March (to try get myself ready for a non-serious dabble in Friday night track league).

Q: Is a VO2 Max of 48 ok for a 46 year old with mild asthma?
Think I'd forgotten to set my crank lengths properly on my vectors, will shorter cranks mean more or less power?
Embarrassing FTP test - didn't want to post it but the only way is up! I know that last time I was training on the bike I started around 150 and got to 250 (using an estimated power) so +100w from here would do nicely!

*Username -GSVBagpuss
Age - 33
*Height - 5ft 8in
*Weight -75KG
W/KG - 2.51
Coggan Rating - Mid Cat 5 :(
*FTP (60min) - 188 (calculated from 20min avg)
CP (20min) - 198
5min - 256
1min - 360
5sec - 857

Gear: Stages, FTP tested during Sufferfest Rubber Glove on a turbo

Back onto the bike properly from trying to lift weights for a bit. I'm going to do a 4DP test tomorrow but here are my bests from Golden Cheetah stats

*Username -GSVBagpuss
Age - 35
*Height - 5ft 8in
*Weight - 75KG
W/KG -
Coggan Rating -
*FTP (60min) - 188
CP (20min) - 216
5min - 297
1min - 469
5sec - 948

All from a Stages PM across lots of rides. I seem to get my good power down on hills and I don't have 20 minutes of climbing around here but I have done 261w for 11 mins without collapsing at the top so 216 is probably a little low. Will see what the test says tomorrow.
Good numbers Baggy, but I'd expect that FTP to be higher! You've gained power, without weight gain = more muscle to offset some fat loss :)

@BennyC Did you switch to a Polorised plan over winter? I've seen a ton of easy Zwift spinning but not really spotted any high intensity!?
Roady said:
@BennyC Did you switch to a Polorised plan over winter? I've seen a ton of easy Zwift spinning but not really spotted any high intensity!?

My foray was short lived as I was enjoying sweet-spot work and my high intensity days were a little ambitious to begin with! I've actually eased off the gas a bit seeing as the last third of my year had pretty much zero periodisation. Coupled with lots of free time over winter & christmas I wanted to ride lots so needed to match intensity appropriately.

Dropping some more higher end sweet-spot stuff in among longer weekend rides on a Saturday, Sunday is basically movie day and calorie burn for slobbing :D and getting some threshold/supra-threshold work during the week to build a bit. As long as I don't regress over winter and can hit the ground running (rather, riding) in spring I'm happy.

Early doors to be peaking yet anyway ;) I've got 9 days in Denia in April with most likely some very long days in the saddle so that'll probably be polarised, sort of :/
The results are in

*Username -GSVBagpuss
Age - 35
*Height - 5ft 8in
*Weight - 75KG
W/KG - 2.65
Coggan Rating -
*FTP (60min) - 200
CP (20min) - 200
5min - 258 (297 all time best)
1min - 374 (469w)
5sec - 644 (948)

Sprint power on turbo will never my outside best as I don’t like standing on the trainer and similarly my 1min power will be a little down. FTP is exactly 200w seems a little too perfect as I would have guessed that before but my ability to suffer for long periods isn’t there at the moment. Good place to start with - I’ll have my FTP north of 230 or maybe 230 in 12 weeks I would hope with some proper actual training
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