Power/Weight Thread

Did my first Wattbike FTP test today and managed... 208W. :o:p

I currently weigh 87kg @ 181cm and am 37 years old.

Looks like I need a lot more miles in me. :D
Did an FTP last night on the trainer. 260W @ 80kg.

Slightly under my outside FTP in the Summer but I’m sure it’ll improve a fair bit after six weeks of TrainerRoad sweet spot base and a few days cycling in Gran Canaria! Hoping to get down to about 75kg in the next couple of months as well which should help the W/Kg!
313W for 20mins on the turbo an hour ago
Estimated FTP ~297W

Been steadily improving 20min power over the last ~5 weeks indoors... Sadly been also putting on weight just looking at food over Xmas and New Year, now ~80.5Kg! :eek:
How is everyone doing profile wise now that it is time to sharpen up for the season?

I've now got a 5w/kg 60mins which I would have never believed achievable prior to Xmas.
First 5x5 session of the year and 5.5 raising to 5.6w/kg for the 5th interval. I'm already at the watts I was doing when TT fit back in 2017 April/May time.

Hope everyone else has seen some nice gains themselves and looking forward to getting stuck into some TT's/races? :)
No gains but limited my losses! Zwift tells me I’m at an FTP of 302w.

Unfortunately work seems busier this year so I don’t think I’ll have the consistency I had last year :( not sure that number will improve much. We will see :) I felt OK at the weekend and enjoyed my riding so that’s all that matters.
FTP still at around 363W, but I was hoping to get my weight down to about 73kgs or so, but still around 76-77kg. I'll blame all the travelling!

/he says just having finished the buffet breakfast at my hotel ;)
Strava says my fitness is 41 and my fatigue 55 as of today, sooooo I'm doing nothing till weekend now, need a rest, might do an FTP test weekend to see how things are going.

If I was to guess I'd say my FTP will be unchanged at circa 230W, 235W at a push.

Ultimately though my aim isn't my FTP, all I'm looking to achieve this year is to sort out my weak spots - which are a) climbing (for my power and weight I should be climbing faster) b) 30 to 90 second power (useful for tracking racing where 99% of the time it's down to a bunch sprint on the last lap or last but one lap).

I have absolutely FA sprint in me beyond around 25 to 30 seconds, that needs to change.
Will tell you on Saturday, but I've been nailing all my sessions quite easily over the past month and doing additional time each day before/after work to try to get a bit of weight off. Coach reckoned I was at 290W FTP back in Feb coming off the back of a cold. First race I was over 2 minutes better than last year, but power meter died in the warm up, so hoping to hit 300W+ on Saturday for the 10 mile TT which would be a PB over that distance.
Sounding good all round guys! Even if not knowing you are up/down power wise, regardless, everyone knows what they are going to work on.

@SoliD - Good luck at weekend pal. Really looking forward to see how you get on. Hopefully you get your TT season off to a much better start than me!! :p
Sounding good all round guys! Even if not knowing you are up/down power wise, regardless, everyone knows what they are going to work on.

@SoliD - Good luck at weekend pal. Really looking forward to see how you get on. Hopefully you get your TT season off to a much better start than me!! :p

Well the first race was a positive being much higher up than usual and closing the gap to guys usually a bit ahead of me even with them on new kit in some cases. Just wish I'd known the power. Wouldn't really call it a start as I'm off on holiday Tuesday and won't be TTing again until end of May!!
Saturday didn't exactly go to plan and I hit 281w average (288 Np) for 23:39.Bit disappointing but first ride on the tt bike since February... Then went out and smashed my club ride Sunday and then this morning hit the same power fasted for the same time on the road bike then followed it up with another 14:39 at 290w... Oh well. Shall come back strong in the summer after some rest and recovery.
Saturday didn't exactly go to plan and I hit 281w average (288 Np) for 23:39.Bit disappointing but first ride on the tt bike since February... Then went out and smashed my club ride Sunday and then this morning hit the same power fasted for the same time on the road bike then followed it up with another 14:39 at 290w... Oh well. Shall come back strong in the summer after some rest and recovery.

First one back on TT bike. Don't take it as a negative mate. We are in same boat here both having disappointing rides for the first one back but it's how you use that as fuel to your fire for the rest of the year.
Enjoy the holidaying and come back fresh and ready to roll :)
I expect a 10% drop in power going from one bike to the other at least. Just need to get riding it regularly incase there a few muscles underworked on the road bike you need to top up!

In my case core and thighs a little bit.
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