The best I've manage in the past 6 weeks, for the majority of which I've had some sort of lurgy (still there now in mild form)...
Age 44
Height 5'10"
Weight 77Kg
5secs= 790W
1min= 459W
5min= 337W
20min= 285W
FTP (95% of best 20min effort) ~271W
Still eating far too much chocolate, 6-packs of cold x buns, peanut butter and jam sandwiches etc., there's no mystery why I'm nowhere near last year's lowest weight of ~73Kg!
Carrying on the recent updated posts, my one is way out of date too! 2019 was blighted by bad health and injury from March until around August, but besides a cold I had around Sept/Oct, I've been making steady progress on recovering some of the ground I lost from March.
So from the past six weeks...
Age: 46
Height: No change... I hope!
Weight: 79.5Kg
5secs: 805W
1min: 498W
5min: 337W
20min: 301W*
60min: 273W*
4iiii, * were indoors during Zwift TT races, rest outdoors
Last Friday was the first time that my 60min power matched 95% of my 20min power (273W), but surprisingly, I improved my 20min power yesterday to over 300W.
Started the Zwift "TT Tune-Up" plan last Monday, first bit of structured training I've undertaken, bit dull at times last week but hoping it improves my power numbers and makes me feel a lot more ready for the "outdoor season" this year... Last year I did far too many sub 60min turbo sessions, which improved my 20min power, but my 2018 endurance had pretty much vanished.
Edit: Seems I'm actually losing some weight through more turbo sessions and some snack restraint, down to 76.9Kg the last two mornings with a decent for me > 58.6% hydration level, long may this steady weight (MAMIL spare tyre fat) loss continue and hopefully power numbers don't decrease too!