**** Pre-Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

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I guess they're turning a few things on with only an hour to spare, to ensure that everything works when the timer expires, but who knows lol... but it certainly looking very much like FO4 is gonna be announced!
We're almost there, just 1hr left!

Fallout4.com is mentioned within the coding on the countdown site.

whois fallout4.com | grep 'Tech Organization\|Admin Organization\|Registrant Name\|Domain Name'

Domain Name: fallout4.com
Registrant Name: Zenimax Media Inc.
Admin Organization: Zenimax Media Inc.
Tech Organization: Zenimax Media Inc.

It is a legit zenimax website, whether it is a joke on there end is up to them :P
Still, it's madness to miss out on it. Fallout 3 was a pain in the arse, but when I got to play it it was worth it. Skyrim was fortunately less buggy and prone to crashing for me.
rofl I see fallout4.com is now down, I guess it was a quick test to make sure all will be well in 30 mins!

Can't wait :D
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