**** Pre-Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

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From another site:

There are pre-order buttons referenced, including logos for Android, iPhone, iOS, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, PC, Mac, and Steam. Does this mean we might see a phone app version of Fallout 4?

Wonderful :(
Hmmm, I'm about 1/2 way through doing a Fallout 3 Power Armour. Now to decide if I hold off and modify it for Fallout 4, instead.

Either way... Whooooo~
Nah it'll be Id Tech 5.


Logically that's what it'll be given the company lineage, but I'm secretly hoping for something better - especially when id Tech 6 is looming... and Source 2, and UE4 and and and... However I doubt very much it'll be one of the latter two.
I would kill for it to be this side of the year but I highly doubt it for obvious reasons.

For comparison, Skyrim was first announced December 11, 2010. It was released on 11/11/11, so just under a year later.

So I'm guessing this will be released holiday season 2016 as well, as I doubt they'll launch in summer months going by the "year later" release schedule of Skyrim.

I'll guess we'll just have to wait and see :p
I dont know what console id pick this game up on, PC or PS4
Every Bethesda game i've ever had on PC stutters out the ass (Well, i mean modern day Bethesda)
Oblivion is near unplayable, Fallout 3 and NV are Barely when you apply a bucketload of fixes and Skyrim just keeps stuttering and juttering no matter what. None of their games on pc are ever smooth compared to when i played F3 on my 360.

The benefits of mods just completely go when they cant even make a functional game 90% of the time.
I dont know what console id pick this game up on, PC or PS4
Every Bethesda game i've ever had on PC stutters out the ass (Well, i mean modern day Bethesda)
Oblivion is near unplayable, Fallout 3 and NV are Barely when you apply a bucketload of fixes and Skyrim just keeps stuttering and juttering no matter what. None of their games on pc are ever smooth compared to when i played F3 on my 360.

The benefits of mods just completely go when they cant even make a functional game 90% of the time.

Looking at the rig in your sig you should have no problems at all.

Never has any issues with a fully modded new Vegas on 4770k and gtx 780
Looking at the rig in your sig you should have no problems at all.

Never has any issues with a fully modded new Vegas on 4770k and gtx 780

Every PC i've ever used has the same issues with all 4 of the most recent Bethesda RPG games.

Oblivion stutters all the time, F3 and NV can be made somewhat playable and Skyrim just stutters going past any border. I've even noticed it on friends rigs. Just constant micro freezes and stutters.

I have never finished Skyrim because of it.
I have never had stuttering on any of the games you have mentioned and my pc has never been particularly high spec
Crash to desktop and hard lock up with repeating sound buffer (aka the machinegun) noises are the biggest bane of my life when it comes to Bethesda games. FO3 and NV being the two worst culprits, Skyrim wasn't too bad.
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