Anything is possible. I used to build computers. Now I purchase half of the product on the website .

For someone in this position, I am surprised at how badly this has been thought out.. As stated before I am very much in the OCUK camp for various reasons, but looking to take 600 quid up front and interest free is taking the rise and there will be some people that fall into this trap (buyer beware and all that, but some people don't read the (now not small) print)... I think you should rethink this selling strategy as its not in good taste. OCUK is a trusted brand, you should behave like one.

You should maybe also amend your op :D

I dont need to do too much talking about this.
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I think you need to check the placeholder price on the PS4 on that big rainforest site, it's currently exactly the same price as the Xbox One! That means that either Sony were lying out of their **** when they said it was going to be cheaper, or more likely the placeholder price is deliberately high to cover the retailer against any loss.

Not really, other places have placeholders for both the Xbox One and PS4 at £400. I don't know why OcUK fancy themselves as a competitor to Amazon though. Having a £600 place holder is most definitely out of the ordinary.

Additionally, Sony and MS would sell many many more PS4s and Xboxes at £400 than they would at £600.

They simply aren't going to be £600. The production costs aren't even going to be *that* high, and should be quite a bit less than the initial PS3 production costs, where Sony was making a loss per console.

At £400, they will be making a profit on each console this time around.
No shop have I ever been with that plucks numbers out of thin air, charges you right now, refunds you the difference or chases you for more money nearer the time because they got it wrong. Chases? seems such a bad term for electronic payments. With these shops, if you can't pay or card whatever payment is declined. Timeout period to amend details, if not. Order cancelled. Thats just tough on the NRD because before the buy now/order placed, you've to agree to their NRD terms.

I agree with this. If your system cannot handle payment on despatch then it's best not to work around the limitations to advertise a product with much uncertainty about its price. Not only does it look unprofessional but it's quite embarrassing too.
I was having a video discussion on Skype 45 minutes ago and a few others were saying, madness. You're stupid to be placing an order with full payment put down with so many shops that only charge you when it's ready to be processed and shipped.

I see your point, but if you pre ordered, then you would be the first to have that same skype conversation via your xbox one.

think about it...

Not really, other places have placeholders for both the Xbox One and PS4 at £400. I don't know why OcUK fancy themselves as a competitor to Amazon though. Having a £600 place holder is most definitely out of the ordinary.

Additionally, Sony and MS would sell many many more PS4s and Xboxes at £400 than they would at £600.

They simply aren't going to be £600. The production costs aren't even going to be *that* high, and should be quite a bit less than the initial PS3 production costs, where Sony was making a loss per console.

At £400, they will be making a profit on each console this time around.

you must have missed every single one of the posts that states that it will be changed to RRP as soon as the announcement is made.

refunds will be issued to pre order customers as soon as our pricing is set. their position in the queue will remain unaffected.

do i really need to keep typing out the same thing?
Yes rjkoneill, they arnt going to sell them at £600, we all know that.
But the point is why are YOU charging £600 upfront when everyone else either charges £20 reserve fee or £400.
The console will be somewhere between £399.99-499.99, most likely 399.99 though.
The point is why are ocuk charging so much? yes you will issue refunds after, but you guys are asking far too much.
Put it this way.

With a place holder price, up front, it weeds out all the people who care not for wanting the console as soon as possible. Those who are happy putting a small deposit down as speculation.

Those who put their money where their mouth is get a guaranteed pre-order slot and the money refunded for price difference.

Don't like it, go to one of the other sites offering a better deal.
you must have missed every single one of the posts that states that it will be changed to RRP as soon as the announcement is made.

refunds will be issued to pre order customers as soon as our pricing is set. their position in the queue will remain unaffected.

do i really need to keep typing out the same thing?

The £600 part is only an issue because you're taking payment up front, it's the taking full payment up front that's the real issue.

Which is why I said, if you're going to follow the lead of another company, why follow the one with the highest place holder price, and not the ones, which there are more of, that have a £400 place holder price.
I have no real opinion of my own on this am thinking in terms of what some people will think when they see this pre-order

Yes I know its a business model that works fairly well keeps the cash flow going as long as you remember your legally obliged to keep said monies for repayment at anytime.

I have watched quietly over the last 6 months or so and overall feel Overclockers is definitely improving on most fronts but although its not a full rrp pre order it just smacks of cashing in on the newfound "retailer of the year" status.

Say 100 pre-orders for 6months mmm £50,000 to play with yummy :)

Like I say makes no odds to me you guys run it as you see fit but am thinking most people would be happier to see a £10-£50 deposit or even a "savers club" of some kind

Just an observation so don't go gitting your polyester knickers in a twist

Ramble over the Oromorph has spoken :D
People sure do complain a lot about products that are expensive! GUYS! He isn't making you pre-order it! Just wait if you don't like it!


I for one am looking forward to seeing what the final prices are for both the PS4 and the Xbox One, and with a job around the corner, maybe picking one of the new gen consoles up!
Ok OcUK might be a bit cheeky asking for all or more of the money up front but if people want one so bad they will pay it, like the apple addicts who camp in the high street for 6 months just to get a slightly longer phone.....
There is a market out there for this, i guess its just not the people who have a gripe with this way of pre-order.
Personaly i thinks its bad idea in this economical climate to ask somebody to give them £589.99 for something that hasnt got a concrete release price or even date for that matter.
I have always had an xbox, im a xbox fan boy but the main reason is because a lot of my friends dont game on the pc and i really just game for the social side of things.
I wont be getting the xbox one from OcUK or anyone as its not a games console imho its a glorified htpc with a web cam.
I will be putting the money towards a new GPU because i already have a webcam and i can already play a game in amazing detail and watch netflix and browse the interweb all at the same time.
The criminals are not OcUK, they have a business model and they have profit forecasts and they need to protect them. They are the ones taking all the risk getting the stock in the first place, imagine if you took 100 pre-orders of £20, bought all the stock then 10 said acctually i think i think xbox one is a load of old tripe give me my £20, youre £200 down and sat on a load of stock that might not sell for weeks. OcUK isnt top of the list for console gamers, i bet many dont even know it exists.
The real bad guys in this situation are microsoft, 1. For not making a games console and 2. Charging the earth for it.
XBox One To Avoid

A gaming consoles 'breakthough features' are basically twitter and iplayer. Bleh.

Breakthrough features, are basically things that smart tv's have been doing for years. There is nothing really new and awe inspiring about the xbox one, in fact it is almost as though microsoft have already given up the games market against the ps4
Its just funny watching you guys operate.

I commented for the lolz, my moniez are staying where they are :p

Says the guy who thinks boiling an egg is nothing to do with cooking. :p

If you have any constructive criticism, feel free to email me in Trust, I am interested to hear your points.
With a place holder price, up front, it weeds out all the people who care not for wanting the console as soon as possible. Those who are happy putting a small deposit down as speculation.

Those who put their money where their mouth is get a guaranteed pre-order slot and the money refunded for price difference.

Most people are commenting for wrong reasons though. It's not as if we are all praising OcUK for having a great pre-order price and we have all pre-ordered it, are we?
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