Preparing for Fatherhood

13 May 2010
Just to echo a few things already said

How do you dry your clothes? outside on a line? then take the number of pegs you have and go and buy twice that many more. Baby clothes are smaller, you wash more and take less space on the line, you'll thank me when you don't run out of pegs! Wooden ones are best.
This is so true, those "sock hanger" peg systems are great as well for hanging out bibs and baby socks

Don't use dummies/pacifiers, it becomes a habit you then have to break.
This, avoid dummies at all costs, it's hard initially, but even harder when they've gotten used to it.

Babies often make a mess in their nappies, and it can escape, usually up their back. Vests that you buy have weird necks that allow you to pull the entire vest downwards so you don't have to pull dirty vests up over their heads.
Definitely found this! Almost always up their back which is grim when you inadvertently discover it.

I'd also add this... Keep a small bag/rucksack in the car with - Wet Wipes - Nappies (at least 5) - Some formula if you aren't going with the breastfeeding route - Sealed bottle of water (Should you ever get stuck in traffic with screaming hungry child in the back! , You can use this to make up formula at a push) - Spare clothes x 2 (Also for you, chances are if it's that bad they are being changed, you'll get hit with it too) . Lastly, i kept 2 bin liners in the bag , one to line their seat with if they had an accident / had sudden onset of diarrhoea , and one to bag up soiled clothes. Also a towel is a handy essential.

Yes... You end up packing for months away in a remote environment, for a short trip with a child!
30 Jul 2003
Looks like Aldi are doing a load of baby stuff from Thursday. Worth popping in if you have one local. Missus has their iOS app which lists what's coming up.
6 Apr 2016
Nice one il download the app now :) Weve just booked up for the NEC - Baby Show in a few weeks time and i notice Aldi have a stand for the nappies Mamia :)
19 Nov 2004
Good luck. Ours is due in June and I'm no way near prepared. We're getting a lot of things second hand from our family and friends, but the only thing my wife refuses to have second hand is the buggy, car seat and car base, which is costing a pretty penny. I think we're going for a Bugaboo Chameleon. It's pretty light, easy to fold away and steer.
19 Feb 2015
[FnG]magnolia;29399948 said:
A really good tip is not to take anyone else's tips as gospel. My tips - which you should ignore - are:

1. Baby wipes are your friend, your ally and your guardian angel if you're in a public place when the **** goes down. Which it will. Everywhere.

2. Reports of the death of your sleep are slightly exaggerated but only slightly. I hate napping but do what you need to do to get some/any rest on down time.

3. Be supportive of your wife/partner/GF even when he or she is wrong (which will be often) or when you disagree over non-material things (which will be often) because I wan't joking about point 2.

4. Always wear sunscreen.

You were in Baz Luhrmann's class of 99 too? :eek:
14 Mar 2005
Here and There...
The only advice I have is that no, despite what a lot of people peddle, iso-fix is NOT a necessity. It's there to prevent idiots who can't fit a belt seat properly from doing it wrong and putting their child in danger. A properly fitted belt-retained seat is as good as an iso-fix base.

I only say isofix is a must as when they are little and you are constantly lifting them in and out of the car in the thing it is so much quicker and easier. Also when your tired/****ed off/in a hurry it is nice to see those three little lights and hear the beep knowing all is good and you've not got it wrong/not tight enough etc!
14 Mar 2005
Here and There...
Unless you live in a mansion, you don't need a baby monitor. Waste of money.


Disagree with this for two reasons, all in my limited experience of course:
1. If you get there before they are screaming the place down they can generally be soothed back to sleep more easily.
2. All babies go through light phases of sleep (roughly every 45 minutes) if you hear them rolling over mumbling etc you can put off going to the loo in the room next to the nursery for a few minutes and avoid having them wake up when you flush it!
13 Sep 2005
My first is due at the end of May. Still sorting DIY and finally finished the nursery painting on Sun. Carpet going down tomorrow and need to order the buggy and car seat. I'm going for a Baby Jogger Versa GT and Maxi Cosi combo. Most of the smaller bits came from my girlfriends baby shower. Bonus!
14 Mar 2005
Here and There...
Other random points:

Don't get hung up an baby sleeping through the night you are just setting yourself up for pain and disappointment if it happens early then great but don't expect it!

Don't believe a word other new parents tell you so many people don't like to admit the real truth that it is damn hard work at the start. So when they are all smiles and oh it's mazing having a baby and so easy picture them at 3am bags under their eyes and puke in their hair because that's the reality!

Finally hard though it is treasure those early days, my little one is 18 months old now and will probably never again spend 2 -3 hours sleeping on me while I watch Netflix which at the time was draining but on reflection was really magical.
28 Feb 2006
My wife is 32 weeks pregnant with our first. We have loads of stuff some of which I have no idea what is it. I'll happily supply the monies if she says we need it :D
14 Mar 2005
Here and There...
dibs first.


Good call on the ear thermometer, used ours lots.

Another interesting one, I think ours is pretty pointless it's obvious when he has a temperature and is unwell the actual temperature isn't all that relevant your betting of treating the symptoms than the number.

Bus bizarrely I love our digital bath thermometer and wouldn't be without it!
18 Oct 2002
Wargrave, UK
Other random points:

Don't get hung up an baby sleeping through the night you are just setting yourself up for pain and disappointment if it happens early then great but don't expect it!

Don't believe a word other new parents tell you so many people don't like to admit the real truth that it is damn hard work at the start. So when they are all smiles and oh it's mazing having a baby and so easy picture them at 3am bags under their eyes and puke in their hair because that's the reality!

Finally hard though it is treasure those early days, my little one is 18 months old now and will probably never again spend 2 -3 hours sleeping on me while I watch Netflix which at the time was draining but on reflection was really magical.

This man speaketh the truth. For the first few years it's all puke, pee, poo, and sleepless nights. Prepare for the worst and feel happy if your child ends up sleeping through early on. My son is 2.5 years old and still only sleeps through maybe 1 day in 7. He still craps himself from time to time and thinks that EVERYTHING is food.

Once you get to the twos, if you want to know what it's like, take everything you own and throw it on the floor, pick it up in the evening and then throw it on the floor again tomorrow morning. Repeat.

It is utterly, utterly exhausting. But, when the big smile is on his face and he says "I love you daddy", everything becomes so worth it.
6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
Shortly after I commented on here my son who is 13 months had an escaping poo all down his leg and the inside of his trousers....I took a photo and was going to post it as a "get used to this kind of thing" but for the sake of the everyone's stomach i've decided not to :D

Disagree with this for two reasons, all in my limited experience of course:
1. If you get there before they are screaming the place down they can generally be soothed back to sleep more easily.
2. All babies go through light phases of sleep (roughly every 45 minutes) if you hear them rolling over mumbling etc you can put off going to the loo in the room next to the nursery for a few minutes and avoid having them wake up when you flush it!

that's just it, no two kids are the same and everyone's experience differs, hence me always telling people to do what works for them :D

Both of my kids have always been really easy to settle even if they do get up to a scream but it's rare it gets past crying, and both have been raised in a house with noise, they can sleep through you hoovering the house :D
25 Jun 2005

Don't spend a lot of money on a fancy looking Moses basket. Our little one grew so quickly we used it for less than month, waste of money. Should have just a basic one.

We got a good, but sensibly priced pram, we didn't see the point in dropping a small fortune on a pram as lots of our friends did. They all end up getting covered in vomit, chocolate, and lots of other stuff.

We got a Maxi Cosi 2 Way Pearl Car Seat, which was about £500.00 from memory, as previously mentioned, this was an area we didn't want to scrimp on.

Nappies, pampers all the way for night time, no leaks, worth the little extra. Daytime we used a mix of Asda, Aldi and Tesco, all good.

Get a thermometer, a video monitor, a thousand packets of baby wipes as well!
Have fun, you'll love it!
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30 Jul 2003
Another interesting one, I think ours is pretty pointless it's obvious when he has a temperature and is unwell the actual temperature isn't all that relevant your betting of treating the symptoms than the number.

Bus bizarrely I love our digital bath thermometer and wouldn't be without it!

Yup, bath thermometer another good call.

With the ear thermometer the missus has tended to think he had a temperature while I've thought he was fine, he's had a couple of colds. It also put our mind to rest after his first batch of jabs.

Definitely quickly becomes apparent that what works for one couple might not for another and consider all advice in that regard.
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21 Apr 2006

My daughter is now 2years and bosses me about like my wife!

Don't get caught up with baby sleeping through the night, your on their terms :)

Take as many photos as you possibly can in baby's first year+ (find a local photographer)

Baby Wipes are your friend

Don't worry about premium nappies! Standard supermarket ones are just as good!

Nappy Bin!! Saves your nose&kitchen(bin) from smelling :D

Apart from a baby seat/pushchair + cottbed. I don't think we purchased anything new it was either given to us or found it cheap on facebook & bootfairs.

Video baby monitor

Baby Events / 25% off at supermarkets for cloths
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20 Feb 2007
I cant understand why some people say this,i never lost any sleep when my daughter was young,it was a pleasure to feed her every 4 hours :)

Try having twins. Getting an hour of uninterrupted sleep is a bonus :p

Congrats to the OP by the way. We had our 2 just six weeks ago and they're doing just great!

The only thing I can completely recommend is the Tommee Tippee perfect prep machine, it's been an absolute lifesaver for us.

Our two little darlings.....

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