PREY demo today...


Great single player, AMAZING graphics and great multiplayer! overall a great demo and a very well put together taste of the game!


Great engine, no lag on FPS even on multiplayer with Max detail and single player runs bootifull also!

Btw who here LOVED the bit with the little girl throwing the little boy onto that spike in the small room on single player?

Just awesome.
About the kids, you'll probably have to kill some yourself judging by this shot :D

LukeManUK said:
Btw who here LOVED the bit with the little girl throwing the little boy onto that spike in the small room on single player?

Just awesome.

I did :cool:

Im bored. :( Anyone fancy some multiprey again? :D
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NVIDIA SLI Workaround For Prey Demo - In the meantime, users can simply copy and paste the Quake 4 profile to make Prey scale. Prey and Quake 4 were developed with the DOOM 3 (OpenGL) engine, and SLI scales very well on Quake 4.
It's just the master server that's down - you can still use Xfire to browse to a server. Just had a few games - t'is pretty fun :)

What a game, I've completed the demo a few times, without doubt the best demo I've ever played. Really long for a demo and just gives enough details on what to expect in the full game. Can't wait until this one is out in a few weeks. Anyone found any secrets or areas that are nearly impossible to get to in the demo? :)
Superb demo. The first 15 minutes almost feel like a twisted Universal Studio's ride. The amount of atmosphere - due largely to the fantastic sound effects - is just brilliant.
Really enjoyed that demo, the parts where you are upside down were mental, made me get a bit of a headache. :) I just wish game developers would implement the damage system from SoF where certain body parts would fly off, etc. I loved that, yet hardly any new FPS games have this nice touch. Nevermind ey... but I just like to say it ran beautifully, as most people have said. Maxed it out at 1280x1024 and it was still playable!
- Fast loading
- Unique
- Great use of the Doom III engine
- Ran at Max , aa/af all on @ 1280x1024 perfectly
- Amazing single player
- Fun Multiplayer
- Fantastic detail on just.....everything
- Also amazing, 400 meg only!
-Tauren- said:
Not quite, some of the human models were terrible. :p

Like this? :p

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