PREY demo today...

SiD the Turtle said:
Just finished the demo. Very cool, but very sick. The gravity thing looks very well done, I can see many puzzles needing you to walk on all the walls, the only side effect is that it makes me queezy! Loved the bit at the end, and how you can shoot yourself through the portals.

Also I like what happens when you die. An interesting way to get around the whole quicksave/quickload habbit.

Lol i thought i was the only one. The game didn't scare me but i actually felt sick after i finished the demo :o . Don't think i will be able to play the game for long amounts ^_^
Completed the demo yesterday. I wasn't expecting too much but thought it was pretty cool although it did make me feel a bit queasy at times. I hope there is enough diversity in the full game to stop it becoming a bit repetitive.
I completed the demo last night and found it to be a lot of fun, I will definately be buying the game when it is released.
Completed the demo and I'm very impressed with it. Adds a few new twists to the genre, looks great and plays really well.

I also love the fact that it runs so well, even on my ageing system (XP-M 2500 @ 2.2ghz, 1.5gb, 9800pro) I was able to run with everything maxed out @ 1152x868 :cool:
Saikor said:
yeah, the bit with the kids was a bit too much tbh.

You guys do realise that kids die horribly in wars etc around the world ?

Seen the pictures of Iraqi kids after being bombed by American jets ? This game merely shows a death. The fact that it is a child is neither here nor there.
Errol said:
You guys do realise that kids die horribly in wars etc around the world ?

Seen the pictures of Iraqi kids after being bombed by American jets ? This game merely shows a death. The fact that it is a child is neither here nor there.

That's completely different though.

As long as Prey get's a correct BBFC rating, then there is no problem. It's a little twisted, but that's the whole point of the game. It'll probably be even worse in the full game, after seeing a rather suspicious looking screenshot with a big yellow american schoolbus, covered in blood.
So the aliens like killing/mutilating children. So what ?

Animals/predators often target the weaker prey (elderley/young) as they are easier to kill.
just been playing this, all i can say is wow. for a start everything maxxed out on my x1900xtx at stock and 2.5ghz amd64, 2gb ram it runs amazing. Havnt tried fraps on it yet but never did i feel it slow down and visually looks great. having great fun, love the gravity :)
There needs to be more games using decent engines like this, unlike fear and oblivion where performance is dire in places and slow downs happen for no reason.
It's interesting...

The Spirit thing could be very good - as long as it's not overused.

It's very nicely optimised though - runs well on my laptop @ 1027x768

Will see in a couple of weeks.

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