PRO EVO 2008 demo market place

The CPU has dived 3 times for me now (out of 3 games) twice was in the penalty area, no penalty awarded and the player got a yellow card, and once outside the area resulting in me getting a yellow card.

Too much diving, but then again you can thank people like Drogba for ruining the game of football.
played this a fair bit now and its quite fun, a bit to fast but enjoyable all the same. it does seem pretty responsive and quite arcadey.

Im not getting any of the tearing or slowdown some people are mentioning, im using 1080i with component cable.

Still far from being a great game though, the graphics looked pretty cack, maybe its just the fact they chose a night game on the demo to show it off, night games always did look rubbish on evo.

Unless the finished game vastly improves I dont think ill be buying it, or fifa for that mater, FIFA really anoyed me, the bit where you just control the one player while it loads is amazing, great graphics, great animation, really good to control. then you go into the game proper and it handles like a sack of cack, whats all that about.

Ill hang fire with this one, wait until its released and then see what the die hard PES fans think of it.
Same :D

Yesterday I hated it, but now... :eek: Cracking stuff!

it is brilliant.

I love the way Ronaldo controls the ball and his show boating sometimes fails, other times its brilliant.

Same with Kaka, the main players all seem to behave and play very differently, exactly what I was hoping for, especially the dribbling seems unique.

Silva dribble loosely but with short snappy touches, Ronaldo keeps the ball at his right foot and carresses it, Kaka uses his in step.

PES 7 wins!
Just had some more games, really liking it. Upped the difficulty as well.

I like the fluidity and the imperfections of some goals that you can do.

Doesn't this exact thread happen at every new PES release lol??

10 pages of wahh wahh it's not the same... then after more plays everyone realises it's awesome hehe :)
Still getting frustrated that they dont seem to have fixed a few things from the last one, players are still standing off like there's a forcefield in some instances, which just isnt realistic and also the pass picking is terrible on this version, pes6 wasnt that good, but this is worse, particularly from the keeper and down the lines
Anybody else having the problem that it never seems to want to let you change player with LB?

There's been numerous times I've had to sprint back with a centre midfielder because it doesn't want to change to a defender till the ball is past him.
Still not growing on me, theres just too many crap things about it.

The friendly a.i is still non existant, players just stand around not making runs.
the ball physics feel far too heavy, feels like kicking a lead football sometimes
you still can't challenge the goalkeeper from corners.
the pace for the a.i. still seems wrong on higher difficulty levels. For example me as portugal, ai.i as spain, somehow Capdevilla can outpace Quaresma down the flank!
players dont move towards the ball when you pass it to them, where as the opposition does, again crap friendly a.i.

Just ARGGGH, Konami could so easily make a damn good football game if they just put the effort in, I honestly can't see how this took a year to make, what did they do? its not like they've changed the graphics or the engine.
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