Both the corner parts now built, they will house the speakers & also act as part of the upper shelf for the monitor/monitors.
After making the above parts I could then start to work on the tricky parts, the 2x side covers that need some careful cutting in order to look the part & take some pressure.
Used glue to hold the parts together then when it was dry I added some blocks for extra strength.
When I was happy with all the parts & placement I then went back to the corner parts to add the speakers, did it in this order so i could double check how it looked
before adding the speakers, just encase I wasn't happy with them in the position I had them on the art work.
This is a dodgy tool, almost had my hand of a couple of times, but did the job in the end
Added some sealant to prevent dust & help with the speaker sound.
Starting to take shape now, really nice to see it looking a bit like the design I spent months working on
please note, the sides ain't fasten down yet & still need some sanding to be done later in the build,
the shelf is also just resting there atm, the blocks holding it up are just for demonstration & will be replaced.
In the next stage im going to dismantle the desk & reduce the height by 2 inch, the main reason for this mod is so im not towering
above my friends on my high chair as they sit on the small visitor chairs