That logo looks awesome!
Saw this at the start, just got the idea myself to want to make one of these and got linked back here
Looks difficult and, skills and LOTS of time are needed, both of which, in the last year of school (GCSE year ) are pretty much
gonna be non existent... Maybe a few years i shall give it a bash
What would your advice be to start off with? Maybe not as extravagant as yours, but something that still carries that WOW factor,
I love the look of this, but will have to start my apprenticeship and start full-time before i can think about it
Looks awesome though and cant wait for the final product haha, bet you and a hundred others cant either!
I did my 1st desk back in 2001, it was very basic but still was a great feeling to know I made it, I did one more
with extra bling in 2013.
( big gap = work, collage & a wife)
I started of with what im conformable with & could afford to do.
skills improved & my ideas have gotten bigger & bigger, this by far is the hardest thing I have
built for myself, but the reward at the end makes it worth all the effort & time.
GCSE's are so very important & I wish I listen more at school lol
so yeah, get them out the way 1st & start of small & easy, you can always add to the build
later or start a new one like I did
good luck with you GCSE's!
msg me when/if you need any advice, via FB is best if you have it.
Nice update! That logo looks sweet
that logo is a jewel in the crown. well done mate
Thanks everyone
glad you like the logo, I changed it about 4 times in total, took me ages to
get it how I wanted lol
did you notice the other versions? well, I will post them again at some point
to show how some things changed.
glad its soon over