Project: An 800D story

At the moment my fittings will not work with the block as it is currently set up. I would have to use the supplied barbs but I do prefer compression fittings. I can rotated the inlet 180 in order to fit my fittings of choice but the instructions say that I will have a flow rate and cooling penalty. Does anyone have any experience of this. Should I just go with the standard fit or will it not make much difference in the end? Thanks for any help that anyone can offer.

I used the 45 degree compression fittings with my Apogee, as they have a smaller footprint you can get them to fit with the plate in the optimum orientation.

Depends really what exact fittings you want to use, and if you wanted to stick with straight ones or would use the 45 deg ones.

Project: An 800D story

I used the 45 degree compression fittings with my Apogee, as they have a smaller footprint you can get them to fit with the plate in the optimum orientation.

Depends really what exact fittings you want to use, and if you wanted to stick with straight ones or would use the 45 deg ones.


Ah it was your thread that convinced me to go for this case and do a watercooling solution. Thanks for posting! I have already changed the inlet plate around, I may have to change it back to see if I can get 45 degree fittings on it. Good idea.

Inlet plate removed:


Inlet plate in new position:

Project: An 800D story

Wait till the 6990 comes out, someone will be disappointed. ;)

I'd never buy a CPU or GPU if this were the case :p , there is always something newer and faster around the corner. Apart from anything else these cards are fantasticly engineered over and above the original design and their limited availability just adds a little edge to the whole build. Oh and I'm way too impatient to wait :)

*edit: spelling.
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Thanks Amidar, that is invaluable advice. I will change the o-rings after the weekend when I start work on the build again.


Got it the wrong way around,the bitspower o-rings are too thin and the swiftech o-rings which are thicker should be used.
Project: An 800D story

So I have now started to position a few parts in the case so that I can get the tubing cut to the correct length in order to route around the case and look good.

The motherboard goes in:


I am unwrapping the GPUs in the next post :D
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Project: An 800D story

I need to fit the GPUs to see how the res will slot in and so that I can route the tubing around them.

Here is what I found on opening those huge boxes:


Next stage:



The outside pockets have cables etc:


The outrageous protective cases :p



There they are:




Project: An 800D story

Here is the res:


The rad and res loosely postioned:


Its all a bit tight in there with those GPUs but I have a plan. I won't be using the built in sata ports because they are ony sata 2 and I will be using sata 3. If I remove the back end of those ports then I will have enough room for the res.

At the moment the rad is set up with the fans pushing and has silver screws. I should be getting black screws tomorrow and I will re-mount the fans to pull instead. That will have the added bonus of allowing better access to the inlet/outlet. With luck I will be able to start adding some tubing to the build in the next couple of days.
Those GPU's look comprehensively EVIL in there!

yeh change to pull a good idea IMO, chuck in some sealing foam strip if you've got time, will help with 'pseudo vacuum effect'

Then whack the rear fan round to intake, job done.

good luck with tubing route, took me quite a few days of mental gymnastics to sort mine!
That rig looks AMAZING!!!

Those GPUs look incredible!!

And as said before they certainlt went all out on the packaging design!

I'll be watching this build closely :)
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