Just so you know.
2x 5970 have never worked correctly.
You should have done your homework on Quadfire before actually buying those two cards.
Have a look around and you will see that 2x 5970 actually performs worse then a 5970 + 5870 tri-Fire setup.
I have been there and in the end i sold the second 5970 as it was causeing more harm then good.
Sorry for not posting for a while. I have been back at work and Crimbo requires me to spend my money on others. Outrageous! The new study is nearly complete and it won't be long before the beast finds its new home and I can set up the B&W speakers.
So the question is: Red or black braid for the 24 pin and GPU connectors?
I used 2 staples straightened out and just inserted them down either side of the pin (between the pin and black plastic housing). While I was doing this I pushed the cable up and once the staples were all the way down I pulled down firmly on the cable and it came out.So...
I've been super busy and have had no time to finish the build. Getting hold of the right cable braid has proved to be a bit harder than I thought as well. Thank god I waited, though, because I have found some new stuff that is black and red and looks to be about the same colour as the coolant that I have mixed together! Result. That should be here this week.
I have been trying to remove 6 pin heads from a spare cable because I have never braided before. Er...I can't do it! I have a little tool to help but I can't seem to find the right place to insert it in order to get the cable out. Any help would be appreciated.
It looks very nice. When will we see the finished product?!