Project Android

Because you are taking such a long time to update, I might do my own one in 2-3 days. Wait a minute it's soo easy I will do it 24 hours :D

Keep up the good work :) I have been checking this thread everyday for an update...well now I am subscribed to it, so I will stare at my email inbox every hour... :(
:( You lot make me stressed! :p No updates yet, as I havent done any work on it for a while. Im still waiting to get hold of some more 2mm Alu sheet. But im off work all next week so I will hoefully get a fair bit done.
messiah khan said:
:( You lot make me stressed! :p No updates yet, as I havent done any work on it for a while. Im still waiting to get hold of some more 2mm Alu sheet. But im off work all next week so I will hoefully get a fair bit done.

he he, don't mean to make you stressed, but I think this is a realy cool setup and I'm tempted to do one myself!
Hehe, don't worry im not really stressed. Just hungover this morning. :( I'd say go for it with making your own, The advice I would give.. build it from the inside out, unlike what im doing. And plan before hand, unlike i did. ;)
messiah khan said:
Hehe, don't worry im not really stressed. Just hungover this morning. :( I'd say go for it with making your own, The advice I would give.. build it from the inside out, unlike what im doing. And plan before hand, unlike i did. ;)
I would, but Overclockers just sent my new case.
or atleast they sent a case that I'm going to use now. I asked for an Akasa eclipse.
they must have run out or something because I got the Akasa Mirage
VeNT said:
I would, but Overclockers just sent my new case.
or atleast they sent a case that I'm going to use now. I asked for an Akasa eclipse.
they must have run out or something because I got the Akasa Mirage
No excuse. You can never have too many cases ;)

Anyway, a small update;





Im currently working on the chest plate thing. Don't worry it looking a bit weird at the moment, it will look better once ive finished it. The ribs will all be bolted to it. The neck peice will then provide the surface to screw the neck pistons in place.
YAY updates, it's brightened my mundane Monday. :D I'm really liking the look of the stomach panel, if that's a taster to how the whole thing will look once it's painted then it'll look amazing.
Not really. But off the top of my head;

Finish rib cage chest plate
Attach ribs to chest plate
Make and attach neck pistons to top of chest plate
Attach neck pistons to head
Finish filling and sanding inside of body
Mask outside of body and paint inside black
Mask inside of body and paint outside white
Finish sorting out and wiring up PSU
Sort out head electronics(Thermal probes/Power switches/Speakers/Mics etc)
Finish making eyes
Mask outside of head and paint inside black
Mask inside of head and paint outside white
Mount eyes
Finish wiring and details(Sleeving/Polish metal etc)
Install hardware
Turn on, while shouting "Its Alive!!!"
Install software.

Thats about all of it I think. Ive probably forgotten some things off that list, but thats the general gist of it. :)
lookin good.
Its coming together nicely.

p.s. I hope you will be posting a video of you hunched over, flicking her switch, rubbing your hands with glee shouting "Its Alive!!! Its alive."
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