Project Android

messiah khan said:
Not really. But off the top of my head;

Finish rib cage chest plate
Attach ribs to chest plate
Make and attach neck pistons to top of chest plate
Attach neck pistons to head
Finish filling and sanding inside of body
Mask outside of body and paint inside black
Mask inside of body and paint outside white
Finish sorting out and wiring up PSU
Sort out head electronics(Thermal probes/Power switches/Speakers/Mics etc)
Finish making eyes
Mask outside of head and paint inside black
Mask inside of head and paint outside white
Mount eyes
Finish wiring and details(Sleeving/Polish metal etc)
Install hardware
Turn on, while shouting "Its Alive!!!"
Install software.

Thats about all of it I think. Ive probably forgotten some things off that list, but thats the general gist of it. :)

So not a lot left then.... :p

messiah khan said:
Turn on, while shouting "Its Alive!!!"

I hope you'll be wearing a white lab coat, as thunder and lightening are over your garage as you shout that! ;)

Just never connect it to the internet, it may try and take over the world like that episode of the X-Files. lol
Be carefull what you wish for, as you might get it! You wanted update, well you can have an update ;) ;




As you see, not that much has changed. I have however made the chestplate for the ribs to attach to. This also acts as the fastening point for the ball and socket joints which will hold the neck pistons. As you can maybe see, some of the ribs are a tiny bit too short to attach the the chest plate, so I will have to remake them a bit longer.
Adam Senior said:
dont flame me as i havent been keeping up to date with this project. But how on earth are you going to get a pc in that?

Surely by reading the thread you'll find the answer to that ;)
My, its cold in the garage now. :( Anyway, this is what ive done today. Ive had to stop as im waiting for some epoxy glue to dry, and the handheld drill to recharge, but i'll carry on tomorrow.





Im currently making the pistons to join the head to the body. Im having to make them telescopic, so that they work even when the head is moved about. At the moment i've only got some long bolts to help line the ball and socket joints up.
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as always a pleasure to see an update on this and the work is coming along nicely! I cant wait for this project to be finished! it inspires me to do something but thten i look at my feeble hands and the inspiration is lost!
And the next update is.... now! ;)
Ive done a bit more work on the pistons today. They turned out to be quite a bit harder to plan and make than I had expected. Initially I was just going to make a simple 1 stage, 1 cylinder piston. But when I did the maths on it, It would turn out to be only something like 15mm travel, which wasn't enough. So in the end ive made a 2 stage, 2 cylinder piston which as quite a lot more travel. I think its got something like 60mm in total. Please ignore the masking tape holding it together, that was just for testing. Im currently epoxying the two parts together, I will then wrap them in some alu to make it look better.





That all until next weekend proabably.
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