[Project] Black & Blue

The ghost compression do have compatability issues I've read.
But over sized o rings (Danger Den ones) will sort out the problem.
And there are two delrin 90 in OcUK's clearance
Thanks cookeh, took me a week of lunchtimes to do that (and the other blue panels)
You can blame this lot here for temping me to colour stuff.
Did enjoy it, but matt black is sooooo much easier (and cheaper).

Anyway on with the show.


The power supply of dead kings - this will not wake the dead even at full load


Lots of holes but no fan in sight - I swapped it for a complete waterloop some years ago.
But today a gold 80plus psu with a semifanless cooling design is the better choice.
The advantage of the yesico still is the 'overheat protection' molex cable.
Basically you can install a fan of your choice that only comes on when the psu gets to a user defined temp (it's the silver knob on the rear panel)
It's also the only psu that is still in warrentee with a complete fanless build.
unlike the silverstone nightjars or FSP Zen


Like most of the high end LL cases, you get a psu bracket so the unit can be installed
normally or upside down, without case modifications.


Another handy LL product - a two piece cable clamp
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Installed, and first cables held


Psu added


HHD cage added - I was going to use a second cable clamp behind the cage, but was snug enough without.


Lots of free area for air to move up and out of the top of the case via the PA120.3


Add in the hard drives (sorry for the lower quality photo)

Grill back on - nice an tidy now
The cable clamp sits under the middle of the grill - hidden by the thicker rail


Tubes back in.
This is the final test layout which I'm reasonably happy with.
Some more work needed to the visable cables but that for the final shots.

Next I'll leak test the loop as I've not used this tube/barb combo before.
Then I've a back plates to make for my new graphics card as the pcb is red :(
But it does have Fermi goodness with a G92 mount ;)
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Looking good ss. :)

I didn't like the metal ghost fittings - they weren't wide enough to grip 7/16 tubing securely without zipties from my experience. DD fatboys seem much more secure.

What fans are you going to use on the 120.3? Are they going to be controlled with the bigNG?
Thanks monkey - love your sig btw
I'm using 1/2 tubing and will be using clamps (of a type ;))

As for the PA - that will have no fans.
The san ace you see will be the only fan in the build, every other hole is blocked except the PA, with is the 'extract'
I'm going to try this single fan semipassive design with my Noiseblocker first, but not sure it had the oopf to move air around the inlets.
May settle on a gentle typhoon as the san ace is quiet loud even at 7v.
But not tried it in a case yet

She alive and a noise beast too at full wack.

2.9v - buzzy rumble (like a fridge)
5.1v - rhythmic rumble (like an aquarium pump) - already more air flow that my NB at full speed
6.1v - blade noise + rumble
7.0v - more blade noise + rumble + slight 'woosh' (quiet rumble when held)
7.8v - more blade noise + quiet rumble + slight 'woosh' (rumble just audible when held)
8.7v - more blade noise + quiet rumble + light 'woosh' (no rumble when held)
9.0v - blade noise + slight rumble + woosh + motor 'wine'
9.5v - blade noise + woosh + motor 'wine'
10v - significant blade noise + motor 'wine'
12v - blade noise + motor 'wine'

5.6v is about as noisy as my nb M12-S2 @ 12v but a more annoying type of noise.
having fan on carpeted floor increased noise of 'rumble'
have fan on wooden shelve significaly increased noise of 'rumble'

7.8v is about the same volume as my 460@40%, the intel stock heatsink and M12-S2 fan together.
7.8v will 'overspin' my M12 if alined - it really shifts some air

Above 10v the motor wine is so loud no woosh can be heard.
It don't sound like a delta :D

All results are fan in the open resting on carpet with my ear 40cm away.
(brackets) are when held - no change to blade/wine/woosh but rumble significatly reduced

Edit: based on martinm210's youtube chanel it's a lot quiter that the 109R1212H1011 - but same type of rumble (low volts) and wine (high volts)
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Ah righty. I found the gentle typhoon 1450rpm version a very good fan. It has very little extraneous noise and it undervolts very nicely as well. :)

Edit - was only undervolting using molex wires, so only 5,7 or 12v. They very occasionally wouldn't start at 5v iirc, so minimum voltage is probably around there.
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The BigNG works with pulses of full voltage
So fans can spin at much lower rated voltages that a normal controller.
No way a normal controller would spin a san ace at under 3v ;)
Time for a bit of an update...
I've a P67A-GD65 in my case at the minute and I'm unsure on finishing off the 'copper' build.
As the MSI board really looks at home in my build with its blue highlights.
But that's for another post.

My PSU is getting on abit now and only has 2 Sata power cables - I need 6
But due to the recent P67 chipset issue I'll only be useing 2 SLC SSD's as a boot drive
instead of 3 that I have :(
Add on the two HDD I use for programmes (WD Black) storage (WD Green) and an optical drive.
So I've made a few 3x sata extensions.


Cables from an old antec Earthwatts and a molex converter kindly sent to me by DAMO RAM80


Back of a 90 degree sata plug


A flat bladed screwdriver easily remove the cover


Pop each cable out and the plug is free


Locate plug on other cable adj installed 90 degree plug
The cable's insulation is 'cut' by pressing it into the plug - quick and easy

All the cables fully installed into plug


Remove pins from male molex - safety pin, inserted on each side of the pin worked a treat


Uncrimping the pins was a pain - removing the strands of wire is the key


With the wire removed a screw can be use to open out the crimping 'wings'
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Looks similar to when I pulled apart an IDE cable and wrapped it tightly in insulation tape to make it take up less space... wouldn't bloody bend easilly though LOL
Good work with the extra sata connectors. Are you still using the completely passive PSU?

Not sure on the spiral wrap though tbh - tight, larger multi-stranded braid looks much nicer. :)
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