So when putting in the bottom radiators the first time around there were some problems with getting them into possition with the acrylic tubing.
So decided to take the time to re-work this part.
Also found out, it was very hard to drain the radiators, so took the time also to add a drain port into the bottom.
Drilling into a £700 case is not the most pleasent of things to do!!
This setup allows for a few things.
It is the lowest part in the loops, so will allow for near complete drainage. The valve is used to keep the 2 loops seperate, and the large compression fitting is there as I will be connecting the second radiator by flexi-tube so I can pull it out if required without having to disconnect a while bunch of acrylic fittings.
The current "state of affairs"
So decided to take the time to re-work this part.
Also found out, it was very hard to drain the radiators, so took the time also to add a drain port into the bottom.
Drilling into a £700 case is not the most pleasent of things to do!!
This setup allows for a few things.
It is the lowest part in the loops, so will allow for near complete drainage. The valve is used to keep the 2 loops seperate, and the large compression fitting is there as I will be connecting the second radiator by flexi-tube so I can pull it out if required without having to disconnect a while bunch of acrylic fittings.
The current "state of affairs"
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