Project Bloodfang - Case Labs Black and Red Build

So ive been humming and thinking and I cant make my mind up on what color of coolants to use.

Both the same? Pastel or not? Black or red coolants? UV?

Any suggestions?!
And so the cable work begins....



And behind... not so tidy, but functional.


Still haven't decided on coolant color yet, though leaning towards having them both as mayhems pastel red, or do I go for something more, out there like a UV clear blue?

Same for lighting, haven't decided on red / white / uv lighting.

Suggestions on either of these problems welcome :)
Some possitional problems in the CPU loop meant I couldnt place the drain where I wanted. Instead linked the loops together so all drainage can be done via 1 pipe, ended up looking much better than I hoped!



Can I ask have you put that foamy stuff in the res's or just the ek symbol?

Just EK. The cycloning isn't really an issue with the taller resses.

Big day today! Fill up and leak test day.

First, soundcard:



Loops are now complete, second bottom radiator in place:


Paper towls in place to catch any leaks just in case...


Filling the loops... yes... that is me urghh...


Just covering the top for the blowback caused when the air is pushed out the system:


Both loops filled...





My air trap and bleed valve worked perectly.


Testing the fans, you can see a PSU on the table in the background, not sure how true it is or not, but I was advised that when doing the leak testing to not use the main PSU from the system, considering how many thousands in hardware there is, for the sake of a 20 quid PSU I did it anyway.


Anyway so far no leaks, just waiting for the air to find its way out the system. Will leave it running overnight and hopefully tomorrow morning, it will still be full of water!
Wow what an amazing job on the acrylic tubing! I'm in the same boat as you in thinking that right angles and clean lines make all the difference instead of diagonals. Following this build, Looks to be a beast!
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