Project - Blueboy - Watercooled Lian Li v2000

10 Feb 2006
This started with me wanting a new case as i was getting fed up with the limitations of my old case. I bought the v2000 from phoenixdancer (thanks:)), it had already been powder coated gloss black and it really is stunning, matched my samsung blu ray drive perfectly and would allow so much more scope for any future mods/projects.

Current spec
Intel i7 920 d0
Asus P6T Deluxe v2
6gb G skill Pi Silver
2x Asus 5770
256gb Kingston ssd snvp325
1.5tb Samsung eco green
Samsung SH-B083L/RSBP
Corsair hx620
Titan Fenrir
Dell 2407 ao4


Having recently decided to finally watercool my pc i read for many hours (much to my girlfriends annoyance) and endlessly researched until i thought i could make some reasonable decisions on what to buy. I wanted to have a virtually silent system while still maintaining a good overclock. I eventually came up with these parts, some i managed to get from the mm the rest have just arrived:)

Heatkiller 3.0 cu (thanks PaulyD:))
d5 vario (thanks shetlander:))
hwlabs sr-1 420
ek multi 250 (thanks rjkoneill:))
4xTFC ½id ¾od 45 rotary
8xTFC ½id ¾od compression fittings
3m ½ id ¾ od Primochill LRT blue
3xYate Loon D14SL-124UB
4xYate Loon D12SL-124UB
Scythe Kaze Master
Silver kill coil
Distilled water


Now its all here it seems a bit daunting but i'm sure i'll be alright, just not as familiar with watercooling parts as i am with pc hardware. So i hope you enjoy the build , any feedback will be greatly appreciated :)
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v2000's are huge and have so many possibilities. I almost went with a tj07 but opted for the lian li after seeing a few builds. I hope you can draw some inspiration from the build, it's not overly elaborate just black and blue my favourite colour.
I moved from a TJ-07 to a V2000, love the case. As you say so many possibilities for it, great fun to work on.

Does look like that tubing is purple from the pic!

Agreed you don't see many V2000 builds now as such an old case, last one from memory was Clone's one which came out looking top :)
Didn't have a huge amount of time to do much tonight so i just worked on the front drive bays. I put the ssd and 1.5tb hdd behind them to free up the lower compartment, swapped some of the fans out and fitted the kaze master.
Ssd mount

kaze master, pleased with the matching gloss :)

Lights on, i'm probably going to mod the fans to be able to turn the led's on and off.

hose, seems a lot less than 3 meters.

Hose, fans and fan some braided cables under uv

Hopefully move onto the good stuff over the weekend.
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Can't wait to see how this one turn out. I think it's a good idea to be able to mod the fans to turn the led's off, sometimes the blue glow gets a bit annoying.
Thanks for the replies, i can't work on it tonight so will do some more over the weekend. I work in theatre so i don't get home until after 10pm, which doesn't leave me a lot of time. Will get some more detailed photos up of the case and all the water cooling parts and hopefully get most of it in the case on Sunday:)
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Had a decent look at the rad, fans and stand. The rad is extreamly well made with an immacultae matt finish.


mocked up with fittings and fans

120mm fan compared to 140mm fan

Rad stand, might need to make some blocks for this to raise it up in the lower compartment.
I had a bit of a play with the fittings and a piece of the tubing, I'm amazed how tight the compressions grip the tubing. I couldn't do the compression up all the way though, there was about 1mm of thread still showing on the barb part. Is this normal or should it do up completely?
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