Project - Blueboy - Watercooled Lian Li v2000

Roof mounted hwlabs sr-1 420 - perfect rad for a quiet build.
you could run that without fans when not gaming even with the i7 at load.

Shame you are mounting it sideways - as it's will need to have active fans (abet at 5v) even at idle

As other have said the full tower LL cases are very nice - need a bit of cutting, but that add to the fun :D
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The roof is actually cut for a 25mm spacing thermochill. I have just put some fans in it to exhaust the air, I may make it a window though. The rad is going to be on the mount in the lower compartment of the case along with the pump and psu.
Small update. Properly mocked up the rad with the mount and fans.

Had to flip the psu sideways, will need to make a new bracket for it. Rad sits a bit low to matchup with the sidepanel cutout.


I placed a couple of 25mm fans under the rad and it sits pretty much exactly where it should be. Will make some metal blocks for this.
Eurghh Powdercoated cases... fine if you're doing internal but never understood why people powdercoat the outside.

That v2000 has now gone from professionally brushed aluminium to orange peel effect powder coat and it reflects too much light :(
This is as far as i can tighten the compressions with my fingers, the tubing will not budge. Is this normal or should the fitting do up completely?
dont quote me on it cos ive never used them but from what ive read up, theres supposed to be a small gap there .

best wait to get a more experienced answer tho ;)
Have read a bit more reading and I think your right, as tight as my fingers will go is how to do it :)
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Taking little pizza break been non stop tonight.
Block and fittings.

G Skill Pi Silver Ram

Stripped mobo down and fitted the block and fittings.

Flushed the rad 8 times, this is the water fro the first rinse.

Fitted the res making sure theres enough clearance for graphics cards larger than my 5770's.

Bolted the rad mount down, will be getting some 25mm thick extruded section to raise this up next week.
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Looking to WC my Antec Skelton in the very near future so will be following this with interrest. I'm still in the reading up stage, so your spec sheet is a great help.

Can I ask what made you choose compression fittings and the brand you have chosen over the others available
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I preferred the look of compressions and now i have used them they clamp on really securely to the hose but my fingers are a bit red and knackered now fromall the screwing :p. I chose the feser compressions as they were a bit cheaper than bitspower but still a quality product. I managed to get mine for £12 for a 4 pack which is pretty good for branded 3/4 compression. Leak testing atm :D
So got it all in, was not as tricky as i though. Slow and steady is the way and take plenty of breaks.


d5 vario


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Had to see it ll lit up :D




The pump it almost silent now, almost all the bubbles are out. It's eerily quiet :eek:
Loving this build! What graphics card setup will you be running? Adding in a second loop for them as well?
Currently running 2x5770's but i have just bought a 5870, so will add that to the loop once i get a block for it. I can't decide on the acetal and nickel or plexi and nickel gpu block though.
Check the picks in my log (Dremel Dream machine) for the 5870 with Nickel and Acetal blocks .. it's flippin' schweet !
I was leaning towards the acetal and nickel, think thats decided. I also need some nice mesh for the rad compartment. Annoyingingly most modders mesh is available in 500mm widths, my cutout is 510mm :( I'd really like some nice honeycombe mesh, guess i'm off to the car modding shop or b+q.
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