Project: Clean

I don't trust myself to do this yet! Anybody want more pics of the case? :P

*EDIT* Thanks to Tom who coated it for the picture!


The PSU could not be done at the moment :(, as they where to scarred to remove the Original paint of my Revolution!

I just had a quote for wetspraying for £25!
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The E-mail from tom said this

We have one issue, the coaters couldnt do the PSU covers, they couldnt sandblast it as it was too fragile so they didnt want to risk coating it as it would have come out bad.
Unfortunatly this means its still as it was as standard..

:( but hopefully the wetsprayer can do something about it!

If not I will have to do give it a go :| It will come out CRAP :D
Haha Cheers Andelusion and NathanT :)

well it could be looking "Fresh"er if I had more money ;). I decided not to braid my PSU with the current braid as I have found better quality braid! I will be using, my current braid for my OLD SKOOL Project which I will be working on in the next week :P.

As I am moving out in December/January. All avalaible funds are going towards moving out and the PC after
Hi guys

I got a real Dilemma about the braid for my case.

I originally bought some white braid from a shop in Scotland and as its poor quality, I want to buy new braid! But when looking at the cable I already braided, white braid looks a bit.......Clinical clean!

So right now I can’t decide if I should carry on with the White braid or get light blue braid (fit in with the Gigabyte mobo + ram or go for mixed white + blue braid.

My Mrs even said, why don’t you have half blue and half white.

Please let me know what you think.

Cheers Dom
of course it does Pauly ;)

Haha Marine Iguana! :) everybody says that

and thanks Greek.

anyway here is some pictures with the mobo inside. Ordering my Blue and White braid today :) well the 4mm for now.

The White braid does not cover propley :) + the fan will be changed for an Enermax Cluster REAL soon!


Can we have a look at the front door?

Do you want a picture of the front door closed? open?

I take it you will use dust filter's to keep it nice and white.

The front 2 fants have dust filters, might use some tights for the rest of the fans :)

that's a regular ATX sized mobo?!
jebus its lost in there!

I think once i got my PSU and the other stuff inside it will look different :) and indeed it is a regular ATX mobo :)

@ ducky, when i work with the case i look like this ===>>:cool:
Woops sorry Alfie, I had my Camera out but forgot to take pictures sorry :(


My braid has arrived, also my 10 blue thumb Screws. Hopefully the rest will arrive soon aswell.

Sorry about size but laptop can't handle the editing
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Ok the PSU has arrived and it looks lush :) Costum white with blue :) mhhhh I'll post a picture later and of course a picture of the front of the case ;)


Ram + CPU have arrived :)
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apprently quite a few UD5 user have the same problem! I will try my ram in my mates board (none UD5) to see if its my ram!

Something to do with Memory mapping, but there is no option on the UD5 boards to turn it off.....or not that I can find it!
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