Project: Cool Dragon

Thanks for the great link on sleeving. Very informative.

There's a link to MurderMods on that page that doesn't seem to be creating sleeving at the moment. Does anyone know if they are/were as good as the author of that guide makes out?

If it's quality sleeving you are looking for then look for Million Dollar PC, and you will find a link there to some of the best quality sleeving around.
More Suckish News :(

So the GPU arrived!!!! YAY I thought.


Opened it up and all was good.


Gave it a quick test and it posted so all was good.


I then fitted the block and had another quick test....STILL WORKS :D





But then I filled the loop and noticed a slight leak in the same place as I did last time I filled, but last time I though it was the fitting. Turns out it wasn't. I got the res second hand from a friend and it turns out there is a little chip where the barb screws in so there wasn't a complete seal. I stupidly though double o-ringing it would be a good idea and to be fair it did work but the worst news is yet to come......

So I had the loop fully filled and bleeding. Suddenly I noticed a fair amount of water on the table underneath the case! Turns out my pump was leaking but the top wasn't the problem. There was a perfect seal with the O-ring and there was no water outside the o ring but water was somehow making its way down through the PCB and out the bottom!!! Luckily EC6 is non-conductive but I have opened an RMA form with the shop I bought from but they are based abroad so I may be waiting a long time again :(. However, I have requested a refund so hopefully they will give me one. If they do, I will just buy the same pump from a UK store. Also I ordered a new res (same as before but with the fascias :D)

Oh....and just to finish off with while draining I accidentally snapped a cathode :(

This is turning out far more expensive and is taking far longer than initially anticipated but I am going to stick at it. I am determined lol (even if I am gutted right now)
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Ouch! I am very sorry to hear that your loop is leaking, twice over, especially after such a long wait for the video card.

As mentioned before I was having problems with the pump, but what I noticed was that I had no problems with the phobya top. Therefore I decided to remove the new pump top and refit it to see if it still leaked.


It did still leak but on closer inspection of some of the photos I might have found out why.

If you look closely at the front left screw in this picture, it looks like the plexi cracked and the crack goes all the way to the 1/4" hole. Therefore that would have caused it to leak.


I removed the top and have replaced my phobya top. I was going to test that this weekend but you need at least 1 block installed with the pump according to the manual and I accidentally broke one of the spacer orings so I have to wait for the replacement oring I ordered to arrive before I can test the pump.

On the upside though, for the small amount of time I did test the pump with the phobya top I had no leaks so I think it will be fine, but for peace of mind I want to test it for at least 20 mins outside the case.

Now, I have to say a massive thank you to morkfromork for providing me with 3 black sata cables for FREE! He even payed for postage! Top lad.



Also, I ordered some replacement cathodes as I broke one when draining (:(). They were only £2.99 but they do the job ;)


Also, my new res arrived (as the old second hand one had a small crack in it causing it to leak). The new one looks so much sleeker with the fascia though :D.




I should have another update in the first half of next week and hopefully be finished before next weekend (depending if my pump passes my testing).

EDIT: Due to heavy work loads at school I may do pump testing and there is a very slight chance I might finish tomorrow (thursday) but it is more likely I will wait until Saturday when I will have more time.
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Sorry to hear about your misfortune! :(

Looks to be picking up again though, so best of luck!

Still looks great :p
Bad news about the leaks :(. Like I said via email m8, don't overtighten the barbs and especially the screws holding the top to the pump. It sounds like you're having a bit of a nightmare!

Just to let everyone know.....I HAVE FINISHED!!!!! The nightmare is over and now I have a sick watercooled rig YAYAYAYA!!!!

I will do all the official stuff like temps and pics etc on Saturday as I have lots of work to do now (hehe).

Happy days.
Just to let everyone know.....I HAVE FINISHED!!!!! The nightmare is over and now I have a sick watercooled rig YAYAYAYA!!!!

I will do all the official stuff like temps and pics etc on Saturday as I have lots of work to do now (hehe).

Happy days.

Great news!! Am looking forward to seeing final pictures... spend a lot of time over them!!
Victory Post

And here are some final pictures...












I will post some temps once I get overclocking, but that might not be until next week.
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Looking lush!

Hope you're going to clock that 955BE further!

Seeing as I just got mine (still on stock cooler though) I challenge you to a clock off! Highest 24/7 stable clock wins :p
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