Originally posted by alextgreen
Who is all angels man?
Gurdas mate: Have some class, ignore the children and take your time to finish it properly.
Originally posted by alextgreen
Who is all angels man?
Gurdas mate: Have some class, ignore the children and take your time to finish it properly.
Originally posted by Goksly
aye that kink doesnt look too great (well both tubes coming off the chipset waterblock look a tad kinky) - just put a pipe clip on it....tighten it up....jobs a gooden
Originally posted by sambo
id like to ask u gurdas how much chroming costs
because i have just bought a cm black widow and am thinking about getting the inside chromed as well as the mother board tray
come on how much we talking and where would i get it done pro..
[EDIT] also does the chrome scrath bubble or come off easily how is it applyed
thanks sam /./
Originally posted by GT3_GOD
You can't chrome the blackwidow, its aluminium not steel.