Project Diamond Black: 100% Complete AT LAST!! - Tons of Pictures

Originally posted by iceblu
hey, howbout replacing those ribbons with some rounded cables :cool: .

Those ribbons arent staying for long.

Reason I didnt watercool the gpu was because its pointless adding another heatsource in the loop when a passive job will be just as good. A gpu waterblock would have cost me the same price as the zalman gpu heatsink but its just easier and more efficient not to watercool it.
Originally posted by gurdas
Those ribbons arent staying for long.

Reason I didnt watercool the gpu was because its pointless adding another heatsource in the loop when a passive job will be just as good. A gpu waterblock would have cost me the same price as the zalman gpu heatsink but its just easier and more efficient not to watercool it.

Thats a fantastic idea, must remember that :D ;)
Well.........hasn't caused me too many problems. Watercooling the CPU, GPU & NB & getting load temps of 47.5 deg C at the meoment.
This is compared to load temps of 58-62 deg C with my SLK900 air cooling;)
Originally posted by Goksly
but the zalman wont let you clock it as high, nor let you voltmod ;)

Dont play games, I would be more than happy with my old GF2 Ultra, just the oppurtunity came up to get a new one around £60 and I got a R9000 pro and im very happy with it. I spent £400 on the gf2 ultra and I wont make that mistake again;)
What size is your case mate? (HxWxD) I cant believe how bloody cool it looks, and i thought mine looked the dogs danglies!
Cant take any measurements at the moment but its just a normal size case. I guess Lian Li pc60 size.

Still need to get them chorme parts back, havent been bothered to collect them but ill get my mum to get them in the week.
It was some little pieces I told them to redo. Havent had the chance to collect it, dont really want my mum picking it up because I want to inspect it first.

I will put pictures up when it is totally finished I promise.
Jeez, that's an awesome job gurdas.
Congratulations on a very professional mod, hard to believe a 16 yr old had the patience and foresight to plan it all out and execute it piece by piece without compromise. I've just finished reading the whole thread and found it very inspirational. I'll be following it to the end now :D

My own mod plans seem very tame in comparison.

btw, Does it have a name yet?
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