Project Diamond Black: 100% Complete AT LAST!! - Tons of Pictures

Ok guys, I had a test with the "chrome spray". One word to describe it, CRAP! Its gives a metallic finish but no way near the mirror reflection of proper chrome. Its basically just silver spray.

So I went to the metal platers in Letchworth and the guy said he can chrome my case and other little pieces no problem. I saw an example of a chrome finish they done and it is SUPERB, its truly chrome chrome, they polish it very nicely too. They take about 10 working days which is good really because I will be preparing for my visit to Canada next week, so they can get cracking on the chroming.

Here is the pictures of the keyboard.....

You might recognise my previous project in the background:D
Originally posted by gurdas
Ok guys, I had a test with the "chrome spray". One word to describe it, CRAP! Its gives a metallic finish but no way near the mirror reflection of proper chrome. Its basically just silver spray.

So I went to the metal platers in Letchworth and the guy said he can chrome my case and other little pieces no problem. I saw an example of a chrome finish they done and it is SUPERB, its truly chrome chrome, they polish it very nicely too. They take about 10 working days which is good really because I will be preparing for my visit to Canada next week, so they can get cracking on the chroming.

Here is the pictures of the keyboard.....

You might recognise my previous project in the background:D

Glad u went for the CM KeyB :p
Lemme know how u get on with it, i am after one myself :)
looking sweet as.

on another note:

WTF!!! Are you really 16? where the hell you get all the money from, doya rob banks or summin?!

Originally posted by [Dave Stylee]
looking sweet as.

on another note:

WTF!!! Are you really 16? where the hell you get all the money from, doya rob banks or summin?!


Yep im really 16:) The money was pretty much everything I had in the bank, which was just sitting there, I thought id wait and then spend it on something nice, and then this idea came up and so I proceded. Also to help further the project my sister "gave" me about £500, in return for my old computer which will be hers now (p4 1.7ghz- not to shabby for a 13 yr old girl). So if we look at it in that respect she has done quite well out of it, and so have I:D As for where I got the money initially, birthday money, selling old parts, "business venture" while I was in highschool:D

Malt, I will indeed let you know how I find the keyboard, give me a couple of days use out of it and ill report back with how its doing.
Originally posted by Gurdas
Ok guys, I had a test with the "chrome spray". One word to describe it, CRAP! Its gives a metallic finish but no way near the mirror reflection of proper chrome. Its basically just silver spray.
Didn't think you'd be happy with it. As i said earlier, never seen a good finish with this stuff yet.:(

Glad you've found someone to do a proper job though.:D
Originally posted by paintguy
Didn't think you'd be happy with it. As i said earlier, never seen a good finish with this stuff yet.:(

Glad you've found someone to do a proper job though.:D

Indeed, im only doing it once so may aswell get it perfect first time. The guys at the metal plating where top guys too, I told them the PC was going to be a display piece so it needs to be of high standard:D
Looking very, very slick. :cool:

I'm really looking forward to the end result, so what it must be like for you....:D

Originally posted by gurdas

Here is the pictures of the keyboard.....

sweet :) i just bought the saame keyboard should be here in a day or 2 :) (i screwed up my old keyboard while trying to change the LEDs :rolleyes: )

looks awesome man

i cant wait to see what it looks like finally. :cool:
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excellent stuff gurdas, i havnt seena chrome place in letchworth but o well if u say its there its there, i work in letchworth. Gurdas i have enough money to buy my prosessor,mobo and case and heatsink and fan all i gotta do now is get the ram and the graphics card, how much is the chroming gonna cost?
Originally posted by mazza7282
excellent stuff gurdas, i havnt seena chrome place in letchworth but o well if u say its there its there, i work in letchworth. Gurdas i have enough money to buy my prosessor,mobo and case and heatsink and fan all i gotta do now is get the ram and the graphics card, how much is the chroming gonna cost?

Good progress Myron, the chroming should cost around £40, but I have to bring the case in for a proper price check.

There is definitely one in Letchworth, its in the big Industrial/Business Park towards the Balddock end. Its on Works Road.

Tomorrow im going to clean up the chassis and drill out the rivits so its ready to be chromed. So the chroming, spraying is pretty much sorted. I just need to wait delivery of a few more things before I can get the Aquatube drilled/tapped and then anodised black (I went to a place in Sandy which does anodising so thats cool). Then I can start putting it all together:D
excellent stuff Gurdas not long now aye. While im on ere let me tell you people a little story i had (have in a way im currently selling the pieces, sold the 2000+ and im borrowing a duron overclocked at 1.1ghz)
But anyway i had a athlon xp 2000+, msi kt4 motherboard, standard ram etc etc, read the specs on my sig.....but i decided to put windows xp on it, well lets c it didnt like it one bit i tried everyhting and my mates tried to help me out i changed every driver with this that and the other and it peeved me off, so after about 5 months i out 2000 on ere and it runs fine now, but with xp there was blue error after error after error, and now with 2000 as i said it runs fine but my pc still does silly things like restart every 3 months or so for no reason, no error or short circuiting, i think it might be my motherboard coz everytime i change something, Cmos has to be reset loads of times for it to actually boot up, or i get this stupid "checking nvram" message and it locks so i gotta take out my cd rom ides and boot up then shut down and put em back in again (and thats not even in windows so it must be a hardware fault) and sometimes my pc locks up when im scrolling a file (right clicked on file icon especially mp3's) and it locks up fo rbout 2 or 3 seconds and the music cuts out too it is a complete nightmare so thats why ive decided to build a new one, since i was merely a beginner i modded me first case,lol what a joke i spray painted "Athlon XP" on the side of it and did silly other things, it was halarious, eventually i learned i got a new case and got window in there and cold cathode and 2 fan switches and a switch in the middle for the cold cathode, but now im almost all away with the flashy leds (did i forget to mention i put em in my first modded case too trust me people it looked really bad.
If i can host me pics ill put em on of my first mod and my pc now, and u should be able to tell the difference (dramtically)
My new system will be an athlon xp 2500+ (barton), i asked on previous thread i made

and they said that they overclocked well (to at least 2.2 gig which it great from 1.8) with sufficient cooling and whatever else, im having an Abit NF7-S v2 nForce2 motherboard with Corsair 256MB DDR XMS3200 Platinum CAS2 ram, Sapphire Radeon 9600 APG x8 128MB (the reviews i read for this are great and in the magazine i brought) and the Thermalright SLK-800 &
Ys-tech FD8125 SILENT 80mm fan to cool it with, the case i am having is gurdas's one but without obviously the watercooling and the other mods and sprays, it looks really good as standard anyway, ill prob put 2 fan switches evenly spaced in the floppy disk drive space and thats bout it, ooh! and i may steath me cdrw and have me pioneer ao6-s (slot in drive DVD) at the top, it should look good and with a bit of sound proofing it will be even quieter than it would without the sound proofing, should be good hopefully. Ill show u some pics of it when im done ofcourse, it aint having a window coz as i said im straying away from that now, even though i will have a lot of fancy stuff to show off, me and cutting windows dnt really mix as you will soon see if i get these pics up and running.....

Gurdas's projoect is gonna be a V8 and a half when its finished, cant wait to go see it,lol
Originally posted by Lithium
such effort deserves to be partnered with a MEGA puter.

Like - 3.2ghz - 2x1GB dual channel pc3700 and a geforce FX5900...

i can only dream :( :(
Such a good pc, shame about the graphics card...

Well hello everyone:D Just got back from canada today with a shiny new Canon A70 just waiting to be used. So why not give you an update of the project, high quality styly?:p

My dad has finished spraying the parts of the case and here are the results:




The quality speaks for itself:p

The aquatube has also been adapted to fit its new bigger barbs to compliment the rest of the 1/2" system.


Final things on the list

Chrome plating
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