Project DTTW (Don't tell the wife)

Har Har, cant tell if your being mean or not :p

Well I can't remember what the spec is or what it looks like, i'll have a look and be back with an edit :D

*edit* very nice indeed, consider me very jealous :)

Always liked those fractal cases, loving the white LED's and the red cable braid, very tidy, great stuff :D
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Well I can't remember what the spec is or what it looks like, i'll have a look and be back with an edit :D

nice edit haha, took a while to get it like that, happy with it now though, well until i buy a res, pump and gpu block :P
current spec is 2500k @4.7, asus mvg z77, patriot 2133mhz 8gb, 7970@ 1150/1660

check out the case section, i posted a few recent pics in the "show us the inside of your case" thread.

anyways back on topic.

op when are you back to build this pc?
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nice edit haha, took a while to get it like that, happy with it now though, well until i buy a res, pump and gpu block :P
current spec is 2500k @4.7, asus mvg z77, patriot 2133mhz 8gb, 7970@ 1150/1660

check out the case section, i posted a few recent pics in the "show us the inside of your case" thread.

anyways back on topic.

op when are you back to build this pc?

Good stuff :)

I hate that thread! It makes me look inside my PC and my heart sinks, then I look at my wallet, and my heart sinks further :( I want to mod and spray my case, get a custom water loop going on the CPU, I need to replace the motherboard, I want to upgrade my GPU to a 670, I want to sell 16GB of my RAM and replace it with another 8GB set of matching stuff instead, I want new fans, new lighting, I need a new PSU really, will ne- im just gonna stop there, you get the idea :p

OK so it isn't quite that tragic :D I'll put some pics in there tomorrow.

Back on topic indeed, yes OP when exactly will your wife be castrating y- err, I mean, when exactly will you be building this rig? :p
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Personally I think it's a waste of money, but each to their own

Have you seriously not told your wife? That's pretty bad considering the amount you've wasted on the titan :eek: Quite hurtful IMHO

FYI I have told her, the title is a joke. It's my money and she doesn't care what I spend it on, I have my job and she has hers. Also in your opinion it's a waste and I don't want to come off as a d*ck but as far as I'm concerned its only a waste if you can't afford it and I am fortunate enough to be able to. I feel if you are building a system (or whatever you are doing in life) then it is well worth buying the best you can afford as it will tend to last you longer.

As for timescale I get back from offshore on Tuesday so hopefully I can get started then!

Thanks for all the comments.
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FYI I have told her, the title is a joke. It's my money and she doesn't care what I spend it on, I have my job and she has hers. Also in your opinion it's a waste and I don't want to come off as a d*ck but as far as I'm concerned its only a waste if you can't afford it and I am fortunate enough to be able to. I feel if you are building a system (or whatever you are doing in life) then it is well worth buying the best you can afford as it will tend to last you longer.

As for timescale I get back from offshore on Tuesday so hopefully I can get started then!

Thanks for all the comments.

Pay no attention. Jealousy is a terrible thing :p I'm surprised I haven't had similar criticism in my SR-2 build thread.

Looks good mate. Looking forward to you getting started. I'm in the opposite position to you. I'm waiting for the last of my bits to arrive before I go on holiday and then offshore for a month. if the stuff doesn't arrive tomorrow, I won't get any more done for another 6 weeks :(

This build is screaming out for a custom watercooling loop ;)
You have a wife who doesn't care what you spend your money on? Can I have her please :-)

Like I said, each to their own mate but just because you can afford it doesn't mean you should. Then again I suppose wasting money on smokes and booze is a waste. Ahhhh to hell with it, life is short, enjoy :-)
Don't getm ore than one monitor unless you want more than 1 graphics card. I discovered even a single 1600p REQUIRES crossfire if you would like anything approaching 60fps in the latest games. Most wanted is a key example which is totally unplayable at top settings with 1 7970 but completely 60fps with 2. your Titan is slower than my crossfire setup so don't go above 1080p single display unless you can afford another one.
You're going to positively love the Switch 810 - great cases, masses of room for when you'd like to buy the second Titan!
I would die knowing all that lovely kit is sitting at home and I had to wait a few more days to see it!

(wife included in there somewhere too, mine obviously not yours :P)

Going to be a great build, enjoy it, pics of progress please!
God if I had the money I'd love to have a x79 build with a Titan/s.

Bet you can't wait to get it all built up.

I'm assuming you're waiting for IB-E, that's why you're only using a Quad...or am I missing something?
Considering the amount of PCI-E slots you have, you have 2 issues - 1) You're going to have to fork out for another Titan should you ever wish to SLI (Prob cheaper going for some 690s), and 2) You will need a new PSU should you ever go SLI as the minimum for a Titan is 600w and you're not too far over it.

Great build, must have cost a small fortune! DTTW indeed!! And never have I seen so many PCI slots...

Kaap is running 4 (so you're saying 2400W?) of them off a 1500W PSU.
I believe a Titan is closer to 300W than 600W...

GoogalyMoogaly re-read his/her (Mr Snooch/Mrs Nooch lol) comment. The minimum for a Titan is 600w, this obviously includes CPU, Mobo, HDD's, DVDrw etc, so in reality you are looking at 300w for the Titan alone. With 4 you would need 1500w, and even then that already includes headroom with each component.

And yes, 300w is high for CPU, Mobo, HDD's, DVDrw etc, but if you have a Titan, you are likely to have a hungry CPU/Mobo.

OP, this is going to be a sweet system. Before building anything, make a sandwich and a cuppa tea and read all manuals :)
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God if I had the money I'd love to have a x79 build with a Titan/s.

Bet you can't wait to get it all built up.

I'm assuming you're waiting for IB-E, that's why you're only using a Quad...or am I missing something?

Hi yes, if the rumors are true a 4930K might be on the cards, not much point in spending £500 on a 3930k if they are coming along soon.

OP, this is going to be a sweet system. Before building anything, make a sandwich and a cuppa tea and read all manuals :)

Thanks, surely a real man discards all the manuals with the tattered remain of the boxes then wings it until he eventually breaks something..
Hi yes, if the rumors are true a 4930K might be on the cards, not much point in spending £500 on a 3930k if they are coming along soon.

Thanks, surely a real man discards all the manuals with the tattered remain of the boxes then wings it until he eventually breaks something..

Or until his girlfriend goes "What are these weird screw things that say 'Standoffs' on the bag?"

Erm, they are for the final fit... I was just test fitting...

We could have enjoyed the expensive light show of sparks, but she had to ruin it...

And yes, first time doing a fresh build, rather then upgrading an ebay build...

Returning the 860W power supply and bought the 1000W equivalent. Just in case I decide to SLI it will give me a bit more headroom.
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