Finished a couple of small projects on Evie this week and completed one major one.
I'd always bought sleeved cables in the past but for this build I thought I'd better get round to learning how to do it. First off the production line is the 24-pin. I wanted a neutral sleeving colour in the build but a colour/design that would at least retain a small amount of visual interest.
I'm happy how this arched 24-pin came out.
The last small project for this week was the SLI Bridge. The modern design would not suit this build so a mod was called for to replace the illuminated EVGA sign with EVIE. Trouble was for a simple mod it took quite a bit of cutting and shaping to ensure no light bleed around the illuminated EVIE panel.
This just ain't gonna cut it...
Much more like it...
Onto the major project for this week which was the front panel and front fans inset cover. The center piece and main focus for this was always going to be the 'EVIE' signature plate (and front coolant fill port) but my original signature plate design looked crap when finished so a complete redesign was called for including an engraved brass plate.
The main front panel - only the 'oiler' is missing at the moment.
The original design.....did not get much further than this mock up before I knew a redesign was on the cards
The new design...
Front panel fan cover plate...