Project: Fallen Angel

Hey W3bbo

I tried your SSD too the Mobo trick, I failed
Can you explain some more? :p

I guess you are ussing a screw from the other side? My screw does not want to go thru due to the threading :(
Sure m8, what do you want to know?

I screwed a spare stand-off into the drive and then attached the stand-off to the mobo tray via a motherboard screw from the back.
Just read through all this, absolutely stunning PC. :)

Glad you like it :). I got bored easily though so I'm already getting the itch to try something new. I'm trying my best to hold out until X68 but I'm losing the battle lol.

I'll give it a try over the weekend if I am sober enough:eek:

Ok. Give us a shout if you need any help m8. IF you can't get hold of the correct threaded stand off you could always use a long motherboard screw and screw it directly to the motherboard. IT won't give you the 'floating' effect but it will be on display, which is cool enough :).
Glad you like it :). I got bored easily though so I'm already getting the itch to try something new. I'm trying my best to hold out until X68 but I'm losing the battle lol.

Ok. Give us a shout if you need any help m8. IF you can't get hold of the correct threaded stand off you could always use a long motherboard screw and screw it directly to the motherboard. IT won't give you the 'floating' effect but it will be on display, which is cool enough :).

I tried to screw a motherboard screw from the otherside but it didn't let me due to the thread going the other way....
W3bbo if you feel the need to watercool you could easily pop a 420 radiator in the front with zero mods. I have a PA140.3 in my P80 cooling the dual Oc'ed Xeons and its sweet as a nut. Loads of room :)
How are temps with the GPU's though? With the way I have fans setup at present the three fans at the front are the only ones supplying cool air?
no GPU's in that rig but I find Fermi's take to watercooling much better than cpu's do, at least they do in my other rigs :)

So I've got two [email protected] and dual N200 chips on the one radiator. And yes air coming in through the front, exhausting through the roof and back.
Well I've got a busy month coming up for reviews (GTX590, Asus 580 Matrix, HD6870 MIX and a Zotac GTX560 AMP among others) so any spare time I had to install some WC just went out of the window!

I really need to setup a second rig:D
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